
  • n.横切(锯,割,穿);正交;直穿的道路,近路,捷径;(影片)剪接
  • v.横切;横越,横穿;(电影、电视)倒叙,插叙
  • crosscut的第三人称单数和复数
  1. The syntax for creating static crosscuts is quite different from that of dynamic crosscutting , in that there are no pointcuts or advices .


  2. A " join point " is a clearly defined point in a program source code ( process description ) where the concern crosscuts the program ( delivery process )( and where an extension may occur ) .


  3. Where crosscuts are staggered , the second crosscut will be determined by two crosscuts on the same side , either left or right , in the entry being traveled .


  4. A tool for guiding handsaws in making crosscuts or miter joints . The zigzag stitch allows the fabric to stretch after the stitching is completed .
