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  • 网络中国遥感卫星辐射校正场
  1. Multiple primary cancers and multiple CRCs were 13.1 % and 10.1 % , respectively .


  2. Therefore , it would also provide necessary evidence to test EGFR mutations for the use of Gefitinib in CRCs .


  3. Most CRCs have professional backgrounds of nurse , pharmaceuticals and other biomedical specialties .


  4. Progress of research on the plasma sprayed structural coatings , including WBCs TBCs and CRCs , was summarized .


  5. CONCLUSIONS : Traditional Chinese medicine had an obvious clinical effect in the treatment of CRCS , and it could promote recovery of barrier function of retinal pigment epithelium .


  6. The CRCs and backup data structures are arguably the most important benefits of switching to GPT on sub-2TB disks .


  7. The storage facility procedures should provide for random verification of the integrity of data objects using CRCs ( Cyclic Redundancy Checks ) or some other error checking mechanism .


  8. The paper discusses the principles of CRC and the frameworks of some familiar CRCs , and introduces the design of clock recovery circuit based on a phase-locked loop .


  9. Known colorectal serrated lesions with significant heterogeneity and specific molecular changes showed a continuous pedigree . It has been postulated that about 10-15 % of sporadic CRCs would have their origin in serrated lesions .


  10. As to the proportion of multiple primary cancers , multiple primary CRCs , hereditary predisposition of cancer and hereditary predisposition of colorectal cancer were 13.1 % , 10.1 % , 17.2 % and 5.2 % , respectively .
