The name is known to only a small coterie of collectors .
To jump outside the limited coterie of big-name directors and look toward international co-productions is a good thing , he added .
The songs he recorded were written by a small coterie of dedicated writers .
What it does is to spread the responsibility for finding one beyond a small coterie of developed countries .
Over the years he has gathered around him a coterie of powerful businessman .
Mary and her coterie gave a party to which we were not invited .
Over the years , good performance and after-sales service to win both the customers and coteries the credibility .
A new coterie of wealthy buyers from Asia , Russia and the Middle East is said to be one of the main drivers .
So they didn 't want one king to arise , and they didn 't want a small coterie of leaders to arise .
Helen won 't bowl with us ; she has her own coterie of bowling friends .
It would be better not to refer to the actual ages of the voice actresses and coterie authoresses .
she has her own coterie of bowling friends .
On the contrary , finance and nuclear science are now controlled by a tiny coterie of technical experts , on whom everyone else depends .
But do they need to pander to the irrational wishes and fantasies of this coterie ?
For , in the imaginations of a coterie of physicists , biologists and engineers , an alternative world is taking shape .
Interestingly enough , the cannibalism most often occurs when lactating females in the coterie eat the young of the other females .
Seventy-five years after Benjamin Graham and David Dodd wrote Security Analysis , a growing coterie of modern-day value investors remain deeply indebted to them .
The creations of a small coterie of malicious hackers who invent toxic software for the sheer deviltry of it .
Instead they evoke a series of allegorical meanings that would have mystified all but his coterie of young , aristocratic patrons .
However , the characteristics of the decision of the majority of our farmers ' professional cooperatives acquaintances coterie cooperatives external disadvantage in access to and integration of external resources .
Francoise herself has always said that her legal actions were in fact aimed at protecting her mother from a coterie of gold-digging hangers-on .
A typical coterie - the name for a family of prairie dogs - is made up of one male , several females , and all the juvenile offspring of the group .
Mary Shelley , then 18 , was part of a literary coterie that included Percy Shelley , her future husband , as well as Lord Byron .
It represents the feature of Juvenile Student and Chinese Monthly , elucidates the same objective of Kaiming 's coterie to literature and education by analyzing the content and their writers .
They work as drivers or nannies , or blend into a businessman 's coterie looking like a secretary , a briefcase carrier or a toady .
Mary Godwin 's half-sister also killed herself after falling for Shelley and being rejected by him and his coterie of admirers .
Shanghai Chaos Investing Co is one of a coterie of funds exercising a growing impact on global metals markets , where the price of everything from aluminium drinks cans to lead batteries is set .
The coterie magazine had acted an very important role in Wusi times , the relationships tangled with Wusi culture enabled itself to have the unprecedented complexity and the born vulnerability .
Critics fear that two aspects in particular could hand Google too much power , while also leaving a coterie of publishers and authors with disproportionate sway over setting prices for digital works , to the detriment of readers .
Colleagues at the IMF say Lagarde has already delivered a change of tone ; whereas Strauss-Kahn used to issue orders and rely on a narrow coterie of advisers , Lagarde has taken pains to consult a wide group of people .