consensus sequence

美 [kənˈsensəs ˈsiːkwəns]英 [kənˈsensəs ˈsiːkwəns]
  • 共有序列
consensus sequenceconsensus sequence
  1. MSKs do not have a precisely defined substrate consensus sequence ; however , they do have a preference for a basic cluster prior to the phosphorylated residue .


  2. To correlate microarray data with the promoter site consensus sequence for a specific transcription factor .


  3. Establishment of consensus sequence of pres of hepatitis B virus genotype B in Nantong City


  4. P1 , P2 were designed according to the consensus sequence of phytase gene .


  5. The analysis of consensus sequence , genetic distance and phylogenetic tree were conducted with GCG software .


  6. At last the multiple alignment is obtained by the order of fragments in the contig , thereby forming a consensus sequence .


  7. The method of PCR for detection of infectious ectromelia ( Ect ) virus was established by a set of consensus sequence primers .


  8. In this article , the research topics of engineering proteins for thermostability , including rational design , directed evolution and consensus sequence method , are compared with each other .


  9. While the C-terminal of the choline kinase contained a phosphotransferase consensus sequence , which was presumed to be involved in catalytic function .


  10. The consensus sequence in all lipase primary structures is Gly X 1 Ser X 2 Gly , which is more conserved in fungi .


  11. The protein sequence deduced from the extracellular lipase structural gene contained the lipase consensus sequence ( G-X-S-X-G ) and three conserved putative N-glycosylation sites .


  12. The repetitive consensus sequence of Enterobacteriaceae genome PCR ( ERIC-PCR ) was carried out for DNA typing of clonal strains in order to analyze the homology .


  13. Objective To establish of consensus sequence of PreS / S and EnhII / CP / PreC of HBV with subtype C / adqr + in Chongqing of China .


  14. Since the pattern of MMP-26 expression mimicked that of ER - α, we searched the promoter region and found a sequence at position-130 to-116 had high homology to the consensus sequence of an ERE .


  15. Initially , atRA activates a heterodimer RAR / RXR , which further recognizes and binds to retinoic acid receptor response element ( RARE ) consensus sequence , thereby activating or repressing target gene transcription .


  16. The ENF peptide family , so termed after the consensus sequence in their amino termini ( Glu-Asn-Phe - ), is assumed to play multiple important roles in defense reactions , growth regulation , and homeostasis of Lepidopteran insects .


  17. The past research reveal that p53 gene act by the P53 protein being combined with the p53 consensus binding sequence in genes , activating the downstream gene to be translated , act .


  18. New Algorithm Based on Ant Colony Algorithm and Consensus Alignment for Multiple Sequence Alignment


  19. A novel parallel algorithm for DNA sequence assembly under the distributed memory environment is presented in this paper . The serial processing procedure and parallel algorithm for OVERLAP , LAYOUT and CONSENSUS of the DNA sequence assembly are described respectively . The complexity of the algorithm is analyzed .
