- adj.凭猜测的;凭推测的

- based primarily on surmise rather than adequate evidence
- theories about the extinction of dinosaurs are still highly conjectural
- the supposed reason for his absence
- suppositious reconstructions of dead languages
- hypothetical situation
- Synonym: divinatory hypothetical hypothetic supposed suppositional suppositious supposititious
There is something undeniably conjectural about such claims .
A method to measure degree of influence of conjectural factor in a multiple choice test
Research on Bidding Strategy of Rotary Reserve Capacity Market Based on Conjectural Variations
A conjectural variation based method to develop bidding strategies for generation companies in electricity market
Dividing conjectural petroleum system basing on the former research .
So , this paper compared the confidence level of conjectural content according to different sources of these information .
Optimal Cost Reducing R & D Decision of Product Differentiated Firms Based on Rational Conjectural Variation
Conjectural variation is the theory base of Harvard school 's SCP paradigm .
An inprovement of generation firms ' bidding strategies based on conjectural variation regulation via dynamic learning
This paper introduces the method to construct generation companies'strategy model under incomplete information by using conjectural variation based conjectured supply function .
In the analysis of horizontal organizational structure of industrial networks , we expand Cournot Competition Model and Conjectural Variation Model .
Optimal Cost Reducing Decision of Duopoly R & D in AJ Model with Consistent Conjectural Elasticity
These estimates are so conjectural as to be almost worthless .
As regarded its origin there were various explanations , all of which must necessarily have been conjectural .
It 's conjectural , guesswork , tested by observation , not derived from it .
Conjectural imagination is an imagination of recreation .
A false sense of history will not be created by adding conjectural features , features from other properties , or by combining features that never existed together historically .
The inevitable uncertainty engendered will inhibit financial innovation and intermediation , and render the rules that will govern a future financial marketplace disturbingly conjectural .
The thesis brings to bear conjectural variation to unify the classical oligopoly models and open out that the differences of the models are only the dissimilarities of conjectural variation range .
The paper gives a conjectural model of utility function on Non-Euclidean space , and proves this possibility , as well as a solution to Edgeworth contract curve and indifference function by utilizing the proposed model .
What is not conjectural , however , is that in recent years , US policymakers faced with the choice to assist a major company or risk negative economic fallout , have regrettably almost always chosen to intervene .
The application of conjectural variation theory in M A and incentive mechanism are studied by using the model of conjectural variation in M A. The differences between conjectural variation and multi-oligopoly Cournot models are compared .
This paper attempts to construct a quantitative model to quantify the effects of implementing the strategic R D subsidy policy by dint of the methods calibration and conjectural variation , and in turn , carry out the empirical research on strategic R D subsidy policy .
After a brief description of fundamentals of the conjectural variation ( CV ) method , a novel CV-based method to develop optimal bidding strategies under incomplete information for generation companies participating in an electricity market are presented , with an objective of profit maximization .
In addition , a review is presented on the research achievements of bidding theory and four methodologies are introduced in detail : clear price based methodology , rival estimation based methodology , game theory and conjectural variation , which form the basis for the bidding of hydropower .
However , if we only investigate and hypothesize the inconsistent phenomenon of the ideological content and artistic achievements from the perspective of literature , but could not come up with reliable evidences to support this argument , the conjectural conclusion can only be a possibility .