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  • 计算机委员会;电脑耳机;瑷堢畻
  1. Comput control system in high-pressure hydrogenation experiment


  2. Still it is hard to the influence of BG on comput .


  3. Application of the Computer Distributed Control and Modularization Frame in the Public Telephone Centralized Comput Fee and Management System


  4. NET component , the paper also studys the break in turn in short circuit comput in g.


  5. Benchmark of large scale computational chemistry software on the personal comput - ers and workstations


  6. A comput program including tunneling effect and curvature correction on the thermal rate constants for unimolecular reactions has been introduced .


  7. But this fact is easily grasped and incorporated into a risk assessment : no conceptual work for adapting impact analysis to cloud comput ­ ing seems necessary .


  8. In this paper we compare the different methods of velocity computing in ADCP data processing and discuss the principle , characteristic and result of method using reference layer to comput vessel velocity .


  9. After data processing , exposured curves of camera shutter or flash lamp are shown on screen of the Apple - ⅱ comput - er .


  10. According to the spot condition , we adopt the way of interrupt receiving and inquiry sending data , Master Comput - er programmes are programmed by adopting Turbo C2.0 .


  11. Vulnerabilities that are relevant for all cloud comput ­ ing components typically concern the provider-or rather users ' inability to control cloud infrastructure as they do their own infrastructure .


  12. The system takes image from CCD camera , then samples the video signal , at last uses ADSP to do the image procession and pattern recognition and outputs the result from 486 comput - er .


  13. The achieve is expounded in detail in navigation and positioning system for vehicles on GPRS , it includes the establishment of GPRS network communication chain , the communication course about termination mainframe and service comput of monitoring center .


  14. This article narrated a way in which using FY85 ⅲ stereoscopical direction equipment and PHOENIX comput aided to three dimensional space coordinate of the foreign matter in the head , to carry out with logical program .
