
  • 网络强制性;强制地


in a manner that cannot be evaded
the ministry considers that contributions to such a fund should be met from voluntary donations rather than from rates compulsorily levied.
Synonym: obligatorily mandatorily


  1. Over 600 workers were made compulsorily redundant .


  2. Imposing discharge fee is a compulsorily economic measure in environmental management .


  3. Some services are now compulsorily put out to tender .


  4. Five of the company 's senior managers have been made compulsorily redundant .


  5. And in implementing compulsorily , the compulsory force mainly comes from the law system .


  6. Should government compulsorily make citizen to wear surgical mask or gloves ?


  7. When using compulsorily wind cooling in electronic cabinet , it 's ventilation is a important parameter in design .


  8. This paper discusses a approximate method for calculating the compulsorily ventilation in shipborneelectronic cabinet .


  9. Where members fail to complete the positionclosing within a given time , the exchange shall compulsorily execute it .


  10. By introducing a typical case , this paper expounds the common reasons for disbanding a corporation compulsorily in judicial procedure .


  11. Among the civil cases , mostly were first instance cases and the compulsorily executed ones , of which debt disputes got the top .


  12. Er , well , luck , I suppose , is my compulsorily self - effacing answer .


  13. The housing accumulation fund , as a long-term reserved fund , should be compulsorily paid by both employees and employing units .


  14. Real estate requisition is a system that subjects of administration compulsorily take right of use and provide the compensation in advance by law for the public purpose .


  15. Selling publications by attaching irrelevant ones or compulsorily selling publications ; Unlawfully modifying the copyright page of the publication ;


  16. The cement soil is a reinforced body with a degree of strength and endurance , which forms by a series physical and chemical reaction through mixing cement into soil compulsorily .


  17. The system requires all dealers in Darjeeling tea to compulsorily enter into a license agreement with the Tea Board India and pay an annual license fee .


  18. He was compulsorily retired as incompetent .


  19. A Approximate Method for Calculating the Ventilation in Shipborne Electronic Cabinet When Using Compulsorily Wind Cooling A Study on Double Shock Resistance Mount System on Navy Ship Electronic Cupboard under Shock


  20. Therefore it 's a significant theory topic and also an urgent practice question to research government compulsorily starting construction energy conservation , and urging it to enter the track of marketing independent movement .


  21. One compulsorily enrolled for service , especially in the armed forces ; a draftee . a sergeant deputized to enlist recruits .


  22. But national environmental protection policies guide the upgrading of industrial technology and guide the layout of the enterprises compulsorily . This structural adjustment provides great developing opportunities or the newly-established ready mixed concrete enterprises .


  23. Based on regulations and standards of other countries , such as ECE and FMVSS , a new regulation on seat system was established in 1992 , which was put into practice compulsorily three years later .


  24. Epidemics of Class I refer to those which cause serious damage to humans and animals and need to take urgent , rigorous measures to compulsorily prevent , bring under control or exterminate them .


  25. At present , investor protection theories mainly emphasize the influence of legal system . However , as a way to implement the contract compulsorily , the law is important , but it protects minority investors incompletely .


  26. The approach to the realization of the procedure value in administrative legislation is to realize the value of positive participation , to realize the value of option flexibly and to realize the value of conditioning compulsorily .


  27. For this , there were some pilot cities firstly to carry out medical liability insurance compulsorily , this model received good results . I will give a brief introduction to these regions which existed characteristics and the effects .


  28. Because the shareright can be transferred compulsorily and can be substituted for debt , the transference of shareright in enforcement by court is valid .


  29. The new rules will halve the maximum size allowed for SEZs to 5000 hectares and forbid state governments from using powers of eminent domain to acquire land compulsorily on behalf of private developers .


  30. The compulsory education is the elementary education demands every age-appropriate child and teenager must accept it with limited years compulsorily with regulation of the law in our country and guaranteed by the country , society and families .
