command economy

美 [kəˌmænd ɪˈkɑːnəmi]英 [kəˌmɑːnd ɪˈkɒnəmi]
  • n.计划经济

复数: command economies

command economycommand economy

command economy


  • 1
    N-COUNT 计划经济
    In a command economy, business activities and the use of resources are decided by the government, and not by market forces.

    ...the Czech Republic's transition from a command economy to a market system.


  1. As China shifts from a command economy to a market economy , companies must develop new public relations strategies .


  2. These new communities are brought by market economy and they are different from ones shaped under previous command economy .


  3. But bursting bubbles , even in a command economy , is not that easy .


  4. The command economy was approached gingerly , or so it looked on paper .


  5. With its command economy , China is able to mobilise resources on a massive scale at speed .


  6. In a command economy , it was always overly optimistic to have believed otherwise .


  7. He stated that " we should lean toward a market economy process and not on a command economy " .


  8. Oh , the joys of a bona fide command economy .


  9. In a still largely command economy , many North Koreans are left without a safety net against starvation .


  10. Chuangshi-Kangsai was founded in1952 , when China had a command economy .


  11. This paper focuses on some important macroeconomic regulate model and apply during the transition from the command economy to the market economy .


  12. The transfer of power took effect at the beginning of1958 , creating a kind of decentralized command economy .


  13. There were two contrary , yet predictable economic consequences from this extraordinary attempt at a socialist " command economy " .


  14. China is a command economy , meaning that its leaders have elaborate plans that steer the nation on a certain economic path .


  15. This article conducts research on the charge management strategy of China Tietong based on the command economy theory and the telecommunication charge supervision policy .


  16. The formulas , parameters , methods and procedures for asset valuation used in the command economy are obviously incompatible with the current market environment .


  17. Before the reform and opening up , our country has been ruled by planned command economy system and the government manages all the things including medical services .


  18. After all , Vietnam is also a command economy with huge state-owned enterprises , opaque regulations and a keen disregard for intellectual property .


  19. China is experiencing the transition from the unified wages of a command economy to the caprices and huge differences in salaries of a market economy .


  20. World Bank experts believe the risk to transform the command economy to the market economy is same as the transition from the rural-agricultural society to the urban industrial society .


  21. Chiang shared Chen 's belief that state enterprises were superior to private enterprises and that a planned , command economy would strengthen China 's national security and improve people 's welfare .


  22. In the early 1990s he resisted the temptation to endlessly print money or to re turn to a command economy , turning to the IMF instead .


  23. Because of this , it is of special academic value to grasp the change regularity of space perception , in order to know how space perception affects space behaviour during the transition period from command economy to market economy .


  24. The generals ' deep-rooted impulse to control the market – mocked by some as a true command economy – has been exacerbated by western sanctions , including a US ban on all imports from Burma .


  25. As the state-owned enterprise economic system from a single command economy plan for the transition of existing market economic system , the old planned economy established under the personnel wage system , changes in the economic structure of the new situation , has shown the greatest non-adaptive .


  26. Planned economy , also known as command economy , at the early stage of social transformation , effectively secured a full control over the national economy , successfully maintained the stability of the macro economy , and well facilitated the recovery and growth of the national economy .


  27. The government , at both the central and local levels , also cannot command the economy in the ways it once did , with far more investment decisions in the hands of entrepreneurs .


  28. For Chinese cities can better adapt to the command of the new economy style , some advices about city renewal are proposed .
