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  1. Furthermore , every detail on the bags is specially designed and pondered which amplifies COBO 's superiority .


  2. A second sign could be found off the main show floor of the Cobo Conference Centre , in a second hall where various Chinese manufacturers showed off vehicles .


  3. Self-driving cars are dominating the Cobo Center in downtown Detroit , with discussion topics at different panels during the auto show focused on the automated sector .


  4. Just before Wagoner unveiled what is ahead for the company , hundreds of GM employees gathered in the Cobo Center in a show of solidarity , shouting slogans in front of the assembled media .


  5. When Rick Wagoner , the chairman of General Motors , walked onto the floor of Detroit 's Cobo Hall in January 2006 , only one question seemed to matter to the assembled throng attending the North American International Auto Show : how soon would the giant American carmaker go bust ?
