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  • 网络共聚焦激光扫描显微镜;激光扫描共聚焦显微镜;激光共聚焦显微镜;激光共聚焦扫描显微镜;控制性低强度材料
  1. CLSM results show that Parylene can reduce bacterial adhesion to the suface of material , but it is not bactericidal . 3 .


  2. CLSM further confirmed that cationic liposomes could deliver drugs into intracellular compartments besides lysosomes which were closely related to degradation in endosomal / lysosomal system .


  3. Study of Rat 's Large Artery with LM and CLSM on Different Development


  4. Study of mitochondria in cerebrospinal fluid leukemia cells by CLSM


  5. Fourthly , structure of ACA microcapsule membrane was observed using CLSM .


  6. Methods Confocal laser scanning microscope ( CLSM ) and flow cytometry ( FCM ) were used in this study .


  7. The ultrastructure of Candida biofilm was observed under Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope ( CLSM ) .


  8. Double - labelling immunofluorescence combined with CLSM observation is one of the newly-developed means for detecting proteins coexpression .


  9. The changes of the concentration of intracellular free Ca2 + was analyzed with the help of confocal laser scanning microscope ( CLSM );


  10. The CLSM shows that demineralization of enamel is reduced by adding the spherical nano-HA in artificial mouth .


  11. Results : There were Q - , N-type Ca2 + channels in membrane of bladder smooth muscle cell with CLSM and immunochemical method .


  12. CLSM can digitalize the dermatic imaging information , produce direct images , make corresponding diagnosis , avoid effect of human factor in the traditional manufacture process of pathological section .


  13. Observations were performed with confocal laser scanning microscopy ( CLSM ) and electron microscopy , respectively , at 8 d and 12 d / 10d after inoculation .


  14. At last we made pathologic slices of the skin , and examined the podophyllotoxin storage in skin at different time according to its fluorescence by confocal laser scanning microscope ( CLSM ) .


  15. The result of design shows that the resolution of the 20 × objective with six pieces of lens is 800 lp / mm , so it fulfills the requirements of the CLSM .


  16. [ Methods ] Using the techniques of cell culture , fluorescent immunocytochemistry and CLSM , we observed the distribution changes of lysosome and tubulin in neuron-oriented differentiation process of neural stem cells .


  17. Conclusion : ① The way of observing and analyzing cytoskeletons by CLSM combined with FITC_phalloidin and PI fluorescence probe double labeling technique to image thin optical section has been developed and was good .


  18. Compared with SEM , CLSM not only keep the primitive structure of biofilm , but also does three dimensional reconstruction taking horizontal and vertical sections . Structure and character of biofilm could be studied from different perspectives .


  19. CLSM characterizes as in situ , in vivo , real time and dynamic three dimensions , which can produce real time and dynamic multiple imaging in the same tissue , hence can make diagnosis in the cellular physiology .


  20. Using CLSM and GFP-labeling technology , we studied the dynamics and function of vacuole and the relationship between the dynamic of vacuoles and that of actin cytoskeleton in guard cell during stomatal movement .


  21. The confocal laser scanning microscopy ( CLSM ) can be a powerful tool for in situ observation and analysis of protein crystal growth kinetics , because of its high-resolution , noninvasive scanning for crystal and 3-D reconstruction .


  22. The Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope ( CLSM ) is a new kind of microscope that based on the Confocal Imaging Technology . Through the laser scanning and digital image manipulation , it could make the 3-D dynamic measurement of the sample .


  23. For adaptation of 3D optical microfabrication and 3D optical data storage , we have developed a stage_scanning system for a confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscope ( CLSM ) with 138 μ m x 138 μ m field of view .


  24. Facing such pressure , manufacturers , suppliers , sales , product collectors in the industry , pushed by economic benefits and law , are necessary to cooperate and implement the closed-loop supply chain management ( CLSM ) - the brand new management mode .


  25. Objective : To study the effect of De Li Sheng to P-gp 、 GST - π expression in stomach cancer cells SGC-7901 . Methods : To observe P-gp 、 GST - π expression on SGC-7901 with immunity fluorescence and laser scanning confocal microscopy ( CLSM ) .


  26. Spatial distributions of ammonia oxidizing bacteria ( AOB ) and nitrobacteria in a renovated suspended carrier biofilm reactor ( SCBR ) were investigated by using fluorescence in situ hybridization ( FISH ) with 16S rRNA oligonucleotide probes in combination with confocal laser scanning microscopy ( CLSM ) .
