cloud atlas

美 [klaʊd ˈætləs]英 [klaʊd ˈætləs]
  • 云图
cloud atlascloud atlas
  1. Process Technology of Satellite Cloud Atlas


  2. Give metal floating law and deformed condition with the form of cloud atlas and curve ;


  3. Using the cloud atlas from GMS meteorological satellite to conduct rainfall quantitative forecast


  4. This analysis showed that using the satellite cloud atlas to simulate and calculate the hydrologic model can effectively improve the hydrologic forecast .


  5. The government-approved cut of the Wachowskis ' Cloud Atlas was 40 minutes shorter than the original .


  6. Some international under-performers have enjoyed surprisingly good results in China ; " Need for Speed , " " Escape Plan " and " Cloud Atlas , " for example .


  7. This paper discusses technologies such as the decode , analysis of satellite information and the processing of cloud atlas information , projection transformation etc. based on the Japanese GMS-5 spreading digital cloud atlas data .


  8. The three-dimensional numerical simulation is applied for the roller die drawn of Y model to deformed course of drawing shaped , the metal floating law and deformed condition is given with the form of cloud atlas .


  9. Shot on locations around the world , it made the Wachowskis " film " Cloud Atlas " look like a haiku , taking hours to lay out its premise and cutting balletically among the characters and their stories .


  10. His best known book ," Cloud Atlas ", came within a whisker of winning the award in2004 , but the judges could not throw off the suspicion that it was just a bit too clever for its own good .
