
  • 网络单斜辉石;指挥所演习;环丙沙星;联合指挥所演习;运动试验
  1. Conclusion CPX is applicable in judging the indications of lung resection in COPD patients .


  2. Objective To observe the protective effects of transfection PC_ ( 12 ) cells with catalase-peroxidase ( CPX ) gene against cells apoptosis induced by amyloid beta-peptide ( A β) .


  3. There is also a similar quadraticCurveTo ( cpx , cpy , x , y ) method that takes a coordinate and a curve control point coordinate , but otherwise behaves similarly to lineTo () .


  4. The ovary of dwarf abortion wheat was induced by chemical agent ( 500 mg · kg - 1 CPX + 100 mg · kg - 1 KT + 1 5 % DMSO ) under isolated field .


  5. The predominantly HT alkaline lavas were generated by low degrees of partial melting in the garnet stability field of the mantle source . The chemical variation of the HT lavas is controlled by a clinopyroxene ( Cpx ) [ ± olivine ( Ol ) ] fractionation .
