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  • abbr.座舱杀伤指示器(Cockpit Kill Indicator)
  1. For CKI , the acquisition is in line with its strategy for the past decade .


  2. Therefore , CKI is closely related to ophthalmologic tumor and proliferate disease .


  3. The Siemens CKI concept is an innovative approach for university-industry cooperation .


  4. Objective To investigate expression of the cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor ( CKI ) in human corneal epithelium .


  5. I am confident that this CKI program will be successful and the increased level of cooperation will benefit both institutions .


  6. The Center of Knowledge Interchange ( CKI ) relationship is the highest level of cooperation for Siemens with higher education institutions .


  7. CKI , an investment vehicle controlled by Li Ka-shing , already owns electricity distribution assets in the UK .


  8. Tsinghua is very happy to be able to partner with Siemens on the CKI program .


  9. CKI is increasingly relying on overseas acquisitions to offset slowing growth at Hongkong Electric , its local electricity operation .


  10. As with most companies in Hong Kong , CKI is not dismissing opportunities north of the border .


  11. In 2010 , CKI paid £ 5.8bn for EDF 's UK power grids as part of a consortium .


  12. CKI 's gearing is comfortably lower than the 14.3 per cent it stood at in 2011 , according to Bloomberg data .


  13. Last week , CKI reported an 18 per cent rise in interim net profit mainly because of its UK portfolio , including Northumbrian .


  14. Buying regulated businesses in Commonwealth countries is very much a CKI way of expansion , says Ivan Lee , analyst at Nomura .


  15. CKI said last week it was well positioned to make further acquisitions as it had HK $ 8bn in cash and a 7 per cent net debt-to-equity ratio .


  16. Faced with a slowing , although still very profitable electricity market in Hong Kong , CKI has been banking on overseas acquisitions as it looks for new drivers of growth .


  17. As part of the CKI program , both parties signed a5-year framework agreement , valued at multi-million RMB per year , focusing on R & D collaboration .


  18. Edmond IP , deputy chairman of CKI , said earlier that the company liked the EDF networks because of their size and the regulatory environment in the UK .


  19. Northumbrian , which serves 2.6m people in the north-east of England , will be incorporated into the newly created company UK Water , wholly owned by a consortium within the CKI group .


  20. The present paper study on cell cycle regulation in the course of cell proliferation in eukaryotic cell . The conclusion included the micro mechanisms of cell cycle regulation centres on cyclin-CDKs and the checkpoint control of functional factors on CKI , ATM , p53 , Rb .
