city air pollution

city air pollutioncity air pollution
  1. City air pollution numerical prediction system and its application


  2. The Application of Set Pair Analysis on City Air Pollution Index Forecasting


  3. Contribution of Different Height of Pollution Source to City Air Pollution


  4. Analysis of Changchun City air pollution in summer based on GIS


  5. Seasonal Climate Characteristics of City Air Pollution Index in Hunan Province


  6. Establishment of City Air Pollution Prediction System in Guangxi


  7. WHO : Iran , South Asia worst for city air pollution .


  8. Prompting natural gas automobile is an effective way to solve the city air pollution , especially the automobile exhaust pollution .


  9. With the increasing degree of the city air pollution and the petroleum shortage , the Natural Gas Vehicle has been gradually considered and applied as a practical technology to reduce vehicle emission .


  10. A study on the prediction of secondary pollutants ' concentration in cities are carried out in this paper , based on a former version of the City Air Pollution Prediction System ( CAPPS ) .


  11. This paper introduces the design and implementation of a real-time monitoring system on the city air pollution source which is based on the Internet . And it describes the structure of the system and the idea of software design .


  12. Develops the biodiesel to the economical sustainable development , the advancement energy substitution , reduces the environment pressure , controls the city air pollution which causes by the automobile exhaust has the important strategic sense .


  13. adding that smoke from cooking isn 't typically included in scientific surveys of the sources of the city 's air pollution .


  14. BEIJING & Every day , monitoring stations across the city measure air pollution to determine if the skies above this national capital can officially be designated blue .


  15. The reasonable option of alternative vehicle fuels and scientific development direction of cleanly fuelled vehicles are crucial in decreasing adverse emission and controlling city ambient air pollution .


  16. Beijng 's air-quality index on Monday fell to some of its lowest levels all year in the single digits for two hours after rain swept away most of the city 's air pollution .


  17. Beijng 's air-quality index on Monday fell to some of its lowest levels all year -- in the single digits for two hours -- after rain swept away most of the city 's air pollution .


  18. Others have called them the'smog games'for the city 's dreadful air pollution .


  19. As a typical coastal city , its air pollution is affected greatly by Sea-Land breeze in Dalian .


  20. Beijing has launched barbecue crackdowns in the past , but this is the first time officials have used the city 's notorious air pollution as a primary motive in going after the skewer stands -- a strategy that has raised eyebrows among environmentalists and Internet users .


  21. Beijing has launched barbecue crackdowns in the past , but this is the first time officials have used the city 's notorious air pollution as a primary motive in going after the skewer stands & a strategy that has raised eyebrows among environmentalists and Internet users .


  22. New York is one of the city with the heaviest air pollution in USA.


  23. The city is suffering medium-level air pollution , with high ozone levels .


  24. This article introduces inspection methods for vehicle exhaust which the government of Mexico City adopted to reduce air pollution .


  25. Shanghai had its 21st hot day of the month on Saturday . The city is suffering medium-level air pollution , with high ozone levels .


  26. Although these smogs were not as deadly as London 's , New York City has the worst air pollution problem in the United States .


  27. As one of the most important coal industry base of China , Taiyuan city has very serious air pollution problems , whereas ' the monitor data of pollutants are deficient .


  28. This essay evaluates the present situation of air pollution in Fuxin city in 1996-2000 using air pollution index , analyzing the present situation , varying tendency and the reasons of pollution , and pointing out the primary pollutants and the secondary pollutants .


  29. Taking Shenzhen city as an example , the statistical and physical relationship between density of pollutants and various atmospheric parameters are analyzed in detail , and a space-partitioned city air pollution potential prediction scheme is established based on it .
