Cilium is the major power source of pallium to transport materials .
A quantitative study on the cilium of epithelial cells in human fetal fallopian tube
A few radial glial cells had single piece of cilium .
Primary cilium is an antennae-like structure protruding from the cell surface .
Ultrastructural characteristic of cilium of photoreceptor cell from neonatal retina
Results : without cilium toxicity , absolute bioavailability of two formulation is 5.54 % . 8.36 % respectively .
Connecting cilium and accessory outer segment are present in both rods and cones .
Hence , the regulation mechanism of flagellum / cilium plays important roles in occurrence and pathogenesis of these diseases .
Besides , ETs can stimulate the cell proliferation of the bronchial smooth muscle and the movement of bronchial cilium .
TEM shows that microtubules of the cilium are arranged in a typical form of " 9 + 2 " .
Circumference microtubules could be found in cilium , but only the central microtubule near the distal end of cilia .
In addition , the cilium on esophagus were observed first time . Ultrastructural characteristic of cilium of photoreceptor cell from neonatal retina
In the meantime , alcohol still has cilium of mucous membrane of abate respiratory tract to exclude harmful material the function outside body .
It could also restore the cilium from adhesion , lodging and shedding , thus improve the high reactivity and remodeling of the airway tract .
Toxicity Estimation of Chaihu Injection on Membrana Pituitosa Cilium
The end of cilium goes into the extracellular top structure cap through the scolopale space which is composed of scolopales .
The ligula about 3 mm high , and the cilium of the ligula about 4 mm long ;
The cilium bundle of flame cell is composed of about 39 to 45 cilia structurally similar to those on the surface of the body wall .
The dysfunction of flagellum / cilium is associated with several human diseases , such as polycystic kidney disease , Kartagener syndrome and so on .
At the top of dendrite , the distal body stretches out a sensory cilium which has the classical structure of " 9 + 0 " .
Wears the loose bra , prevents to cause on the mammary gland mal development and bra 's cilium blocking mammary gland tube tightly ;
Objective : To investigate the influence of Chaihu injection on the movement of membrana pituitosa cilium , and compare its effect in different dosing interval and frequency among 24 hours .
The nipples having cilium , sanken having or not cilium and little holes are distributed symmetrically around the oral sucker of cercariae .
Compared with model groups , the treatment groups showed the cilium adhesion and lodging , the degeneration and necrosis of epithelial cell , as well as the inflammatory cell infiltration by light and electron microscopy .
Result The cilium columnar epithelia or cylindric cell have be found in sputum of the tracheal , no cell mentioned above was checked in sputum collected from pharyngeal portion .
The expression of axonemal dynein gene DNAI in bronchial tissues of smoker significantly decreased , which may be one of the reasons for the decrease of cilium movement caused by smoking .
The ependymal cells in third ventricle had obvious regionality . Short , scanty microvilli and a few secretory vesicles were found in its bottom , but no cilium was found .
The epithelia of both mucocele and nasal mucosa is the same pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium , rich cilium in mucocele and the function of cilium could recover .
The dysfunction of flagellum / cilium is bound up with several human diseases , such as left-right asymmetry in the organization , Kartagener syndrome , polycystic kidney disease , Multi-fingered or polydactyly and so on .
Results In flower , chlorogenic acid is mostly distributed in outer epidermal cells of calyx tube-ovary wall and the next 3 5 layer cells , outer epidermal cells of corolla and the next 1 2 layer cells , and inner epidermal cilium cells of corolla ;