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  1. The planning thoughts between ancient cities and an - cient villages are systematically Compared .


  2. The proposed method is very e ? cient , robust to noise and fit for the fast application .


  3. Necessary and Su ? cient Conditions for the Oscillation of the Second Order Forced Nonlinear Delay Difference Equations


  4. The method used in this paper is clear in conception . simple in principles , and ore effi - cient .


  5. The simulation results for Lennard-Jones fluids show that the new technique is more effi - cient than the old one .


  6. Meanwhile , the coefficient of heat storage and coeffi - cient of thermal inertia of light compound block decrease .


  7. Cient conditions of extinction of stochastic sys-tems are obtained . 5 . A stochastic n-species Lotka-Volterra model is investigated .


  8. Prac - tice indicates that application of and improvement on the casting process is an important technical measure to ensure effi - cient smelting and low cost of pig iron .


  9. Index is the most effi - cient method while improving data query efficiency with SQL in database application , how to improve performance of flight simulation system by using index to optimize database efficiently is an emphasis .


  10. In this case , a su ? cient condition for the existence of the optimal solu-tion is presented . Then the weight matrices of the linear quadratic performance index are derived to be parameterized expressions .


  11. A tunable TEA CO_2 laser is used to separate D2 by multiphoton dissociation of CF_3H . The enrichment coeff cient is obtained up to 1.2x10 ~ 4 determined by gas chromatography .


  12. In chapter 2 , we study the super-restricted edge connectedness of vertex transitive graphs , and present su ? cient and necessary conditions for connected vertex transi-tive graphs to be super - λ' .


  13. In the inner shelf , the main geomorphic types have the accumulational plain , shoreface terrace , an - cient costal line , ancient stream channel , mamelon and pit-and-pots .


  14. We think that reforming trade statistics methodology , encouraging East Asian Free Trade Area , improving the direction of foreign direct investment and enlarging the national demand are the effi - cient ways in reducing trade deficit between the USA and China .


  15. After correlation function values corresponding to average time shift values in every time window are connected , a curve of adaptive trace gather weighting coeffi - cient may be obtained and then used to weight the data trace to which static correction has been made .


  16. This article studied the application of a nonlinear observ - er in the infectious disease dynamics model , made use of nonlinear observer to estimate epidemic incidence and infection rate coeffi - cient . Finally , our theoretical results are confirmed by numerical simulations .


  17. Based on the assumptions of smoothness and consistency in images , the method to confirm the starting position of error is proposed , and the algorithm to detect the non-syntax errors , such as DC coeffi - cient errors , is also presented .


  18. Cient condition for the existence of splitting system ; then give an upper bound of splitting system and at the same time , we point out that this upper bound is better than the one given in [ 1 ] Theorem 4.1 when m is far greater than t .


  19. When the vibrator is in the resonance state , the ratio of moving friction coeff cient to static one will decrease to-0.1 . The driving voltage of position-gripped vibrator is only ± 80V ( Vp-p ) .


  20. Meanwhile we give the necessary and su ? cient condition for existence of best approx - imation operator on the linear manifold in arbitary Banach space , and obtain a representive of the corresponding best approximation operator by the normalized duality mapping .


  21. The results show that lower breakdown voltage , leakage current and better nonlinear coeffi - cient are obtained for the sample doped with nano-sol TiO2 . The breakdown voltage of grain boundary is not a constant for the ZnO – Bi2O3 – TiO2 low-voltage varistors .
