
  • 网络连续隐马尔可夫模型;连续隐马尔可夫;连续型隐马尔可夫模型
  1. A Chinese Mobile Input Method Based on CHMM and Its Implementation


  2. New Speech Recognition Method Based on Genetic Algorithm Training CHMM


  3. Digital Speech Recognition System Based on Hybrid Model of CHMM and MLP


  4. Research on CHMM Based Equipment Performance Degradation Assessment


  5. A Study of Connected Digit Speech Recognition Based CHMM with Prosodic Information


  6. Fast implementation of isolated-word recognition system based on CHMM


  7. Investigation on Speech Emotion Analyses and Its Application in Education Based on MFCC and CHMM Techniques


  8. Conclusion : CHMM has immune regulatory effect on cell mediated immune function in patients of burn .


  9. Automatic audio classification based on PCA and CHMM


  10. At present , advanced high performance speech recognition system is usually based on Continuous Hidden Markov Model ( CHMM ) .


  11. The research of PDT to exosomatic lethal effect of canine breast tumor cells lines CHMm


  12. A CHMM speech recognition using commixing high-dimensional diagonal covariance


  13. When the feature of pattern and the station of model are defined , the complexity of CHMM mainly refers to the number of Gauss distributions .


  14. Furthermore , it is pointed out that the structure optimization of CHMM consists of how to choose the precision and the complexity appropriate to the number of available training samples .


  15. To recognize isolated words in noisy environments , A new robust recognition model with dual recognition procedures based on continuous Hidden Markov Models ( CHMM ) and BP neural networks ( BPNN ) is presented .


  16. A modified CHMM model is proposed to improve the robustness of the speaker recognition system . In the modified model , the difference of the speech feature parameter was the observed vectors of the state transitions of CHMM .


  17. For the reason of the theory of human aural perception , in this paper , we present a system based on the fusion of multi-band Continuous HMM ( CHMM ) and Back Propagation Neural Network ( BPNN ) .


  18. I implement the parametric stochastic trajectory model in text-dependent speaker recognition ; and because of the strong ability in exploiting the time correlation of speech frames , the result is superior to those attained by GMM and CHMM . 3 .


  19. CHMM is built by using 12 rank LPC cep-strum coefficient to extract feature vectors , scaled for-wards-backwards algorithm is introduced to calculate log-likelihood avoiding the data to underflow and k-means algorithm is also used to initialize the parameter .


  20. We discuss how to choose proper CHMM state numbers by simulation and provide a group of CHMM for OFDM system in HIPERLAN / 2 indoor wireless channel , which can be used to facilitate the comparison of different coding schemes and analysis of high-level protocol performance .


  21. According to this algorithm , the output from CHMM is taken as the feature vector for recognition and the pre-recognition vector is extracted from the recognition vector space by the ANN , afterwards , the pre-recognition result is further processed to accomplish the final recognition .
