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  • 网络济州;韩国济州岛
  1. Seasonal variation of the high density water in the sea area near Cheju Island


  2. I didn 't expect to find such great wine in cheju .


  3. Study on Geochemistry Characteristics and Sources in the Mud Area Southwest of Cheju Island


  4. Particulate iron in the cold water region on the southwest of cheju & do


  5. He 's coming to Cheju to see me .


  6. Geological Age and Palaeoenvironment of the Lower Seogwipo Formation , Cheju Island , Korea


  7. Can you come down to Cheju lsland ?


  8. Cheju Island is the main mountain-Mt Han Mt heap for a volcano in the1007 eruption .


  9. What was Cheju Island about ?


  10. The sea area with the maximum variations in sea surface temperature is located in the northern East China Sea from the Changjiang River mouth to the sea area south of the Cheju Island .


  11. With the boundary at isobath of 120 meter from the north of the Taiwan island to the Cheju island , the exchange and mixture of the Kuroshio water and the shelf water is discussed .


  12. The South Korean Air Force escorted the Korean Air 747 flying the flame to Cheju Island from Greece ; the Navy dispatched destroyers to escort the ferry that carried it to the mainland .


  13. The distribution character of average total concentration of OCPs pesticide in the studying area was south coastal mud area > north coastal mud area > the Okinawa Trough > the mud area to the southwest of Cheju Island .


  14. In summer , the double thermoclines in the East China Sea become distinct from Zhejiang coastal area to the area south of Cheju Island , and its distribution area just coincides with the frontier of the Kuroshio water intruding into the continental shelf in winter ;


  15. 2 ) The high dense water ( HDW ) with a cold water is occurred in the region south of Cheju Island between 125 ° 30 ′ E and 127 ° E at Sections D and C. The circulation in the region of HDW is cyclonic .


  16. In the continental shelf above 200 m level in the East China Sea ( ECS ), we discuss mainly an anti - cyclonic eddy in southwestern part of the ECS , a cyclonic mesoscale eddy southwest of Cheju Island and a cyclonic eddy northeast of Changjiang .
