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  • 网络聊天机器人
  1. About the same time as AlphaGo 's triumph , Microsoft 's ‘ chatbot ' took a bad turn .


  2. The chatbot could get an expanded role on Dragon TV as a commentator on news features or on an entertainment talk show .


  3. In March , Microsoft 's Twitter chatbot broke bad within 24 hours .


  4. This way , when you have an interaction with a chatbot on your phone or a voice-based system in the car ,


  5. In other words , all those crowdworkers and chatbot editors are working steadily towards their own obsolescence .


  6. Think of a chatbot , for example , which can read the contents of a wave , respond in its own fashion , acknowledge new participants , etc.


  7. But the contest has been close at times : in 2008 a Chatbot deceived three of the 12 judges who interrogated it .


  8. Microsoft 's wayward chatbot Tay , the algorithm pretending to be an adolescent girl that started spouting racist comments on Twitter , is Exhibit A for what can go wrong .


  9. Some of the new chatbot and AI services also have people hiding inside : " humans pretending to be robots pretending to be humans , " as Bloomberg put it in a recent expos é .


  10. The landscape is dotted with signs of what happens when clever algorithms are left to their own devices , from the self-driving Tesla car that crashed to Microsoft 's out-of-control chatbot on Twitter .
