I would go to the chain gang .
Only the greatest chain gang movie of all time .
All your big-time driving around , you never seen a chain gang before ?
In 1959 , James Carter was working on a chain gang in Mississippi .
I would go to the chain gang . I ran to the cabin and put the life-belt on .
Alabama 's experiment is to be widened to include more prisoners , and other States , such as Arkansas and Arizona , will very probably introduce their own chain gang schemes .
They wore white uniforms with the words ' Chain Gang ' on their backs and , in groups of five , were shackled together in leg irons joined by an eight-foot chain .
They are sentenced to fifteen years on a chain gang , and they escape , twelve of then chained together at the ankle , getting by the guards posing as an immense charm bracelet .
It is more that , to some critics , using prison labour reeks of exploitation and , as Steve Fraser and Joshua Freeman , two US academics , argued in an April article , summons up " images of the black chain gang in the American South " .