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  1. You gotta earn this respect that cesare 's gonna give .


  2. Cesare is an excellent teacher .


  3. As a founder of modern criminal law , Cesare Beccaria put forward his criminal law ideas and theories based on social contract and Utilitarianism .


  4. Kazakh History Research ( 2 ) & Kazakh Khan and Kazakh ; DE DI CESARE , Adriana


  5. An injury to Cesare Bovo has forced Genoa back into the market for a new defensive signing and Legrottaglie is back on the agenda .


  6. Cesare Cata , who teaches at a secondary school in the central Le Marche region , wants his students to use their time off for less academic pursuits .


  7. 1724-The premiere of Giulio Cesare , an Italian opera by George Frideric Handel , takes place in London .


  8. The model of Machiavellian virtu is the Renaissance statesman , Cesare Borgia in general , Cesare Borgia .


  9. The author expounds the brief account of Lombroso s academic life and the condition of the researches about the Cesare Lombroso s criminological thought in the introductory remark .


  10. Cesare Lombroso ( 1835 – 1909 ) was an Italian anthropologist , criminologist and jurist .


  11. I decided that the classic bucatini all'amatriciana served at Da Cesare al Casaletto , a trattoria on the lower floor of a residential building on the Janiculum Hill , would be the one I tried to emulate .


  12. Mainly from the cause , actor and basic research methods of criminology , this paper discusses the background of the preposition of the criminal biology and reviews some methods and outcomes of the researches of Cesare Lombroso and other investigators at the same time .


  13. There were a few members of the side that conquered the bronze Olympic medal this summer , such as Cesare Bovo and Marco donadel , but the basis of the new squad was Atalanta duo Giampaolo Pazzini and Riccardo montolivo .
