- n.中心粒;细胞中心粒;中心体

A satellite body is found at the basal part of the distal centriole .
Centriole could not be found . This results indicate that Mn could not inhibit LPL activity in vitro .
Centriole aberration in spermatocytes of the German cockroach induced by radiation
Centriole A cell organelle consisting of two short tubular structures orientated at right angles to each other .
At the center of the distal centriole there is central fiber of axoneme and two internal robs .
The centriolar complex was inside implantation fossa and consisted of proximal centriole and basal body .
The distal centriole divides into nine columns , each of which adheres to the inner side of every segmented column .
The midpiece consists of 5 or 6 mitochondria , a pair of centriole and several vesicles .
The centriole lies outside the nucleus of animal cells and many fungal and protoctist cells , but is absent in cells of most higher plants .
Two single hemi global centrioles are opposite to each other , thus constituting the proximal centriole , an empty globe , which is nucleus dense .
The midpiece of spermatozoon is short . The proximal centriole and distal centriole are perpendicular to each other .
However , the centriole is not essential for spindle formation , although an analogous structure , the basal body , is responsible for organizing the microtubules of UNDULIPODLA .
The disappearing of the centriolar adjunct and proximal centriole in succession might be considered as a sign of being mature completely of the spermatid .
The distal centriole is like a bell , with its top connecting to the proximal centriole and with the entrance of its bottom connecting to the axoneme of the sperm tail .
With transmission electron microscopy , separation of the sperm head from the tail at the proximal centriole was observed in more than 90 % of the spermatozoa , the detached loose heads and the well organized flagella being covered by a continuous plasma membrane .