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  1. Ceng , for example , proudly carries a picture of her five children in her bag .


  2. Ceng , a 53-year-old mother of five , is straightforward about her motives .


  3. In this issue , Ceng Jingxiang 's knowledge is profound , in poetic lyrics had made a serious study and research , and has considerable skill .


  4. Ceng , who did not want to give her real name for fear of Japanese immigration officials , says she sometimes wonders whether she is wasting her talent .


  5. Arrive by Beijing jump the queue North shaanxi , the sheep counts his Ceng Mu year , got when the small shepherd with place is communicated shake .


  6. The media to produce texture in lacquer painting is Xiu Shi Ceng which blesses the textures with countless variations and possibilities of relevant colors .


  7. Ceng Yin of advance childe serious side one character is inadvertent affront land and genuflect ground repents , forgive of invocatory blackland ground .


  8. Speak of to combine , a few went up the consumer of age most remember first be afraid is Ceng Feng blown away by wind the assorted ark of the innumberable families .


  9. Ceng Chunchang , 76 years old , now lives in No.10 Youlou alley with his73 years old wife Xiang Lanxiang , a retired worker of Hongjiang Food Company .


  10. As a result of some kind of reason , the person that Ceng Zaizhu becomes the venture capital investment of the add fuel to the fire on the problem of this one blunder walked out of predicament early ;


  11. Through calculating the average energy of each column of DCT coefficients of the different blurriness image to get vector Ceng , we realize that Ceng of different blurriness images almost has no difference on the head end , and has obvious difference on the tail end .
