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  • abbr.欧洲经济合作委员会(Committee of European Economic Cooperation)
  1. Western European countries welcomed Marshall Plan and in July 1947 they founded CEEC to cooperate with the Marshall Plan .


  2. We analyze the present convergence situation of the CEEC and the likely route for them to join the Euro area .


  3. First , this chapter discusses the score predictive interpretations of the Essential Social Science Test for the year 2010 CEEC in Shanghai according to the meanings of test score , and briefly describes the outline of interpretive argument .


  4. Second , although there are no obstacles in the EU rules that can prevent the Central and Eastern European Countries ( CEEC ) from joining the Euro area , the enlargement of the Euro area should be prudent .


  5. But the Paris CEEC event was most famous for the arrival – and swift departure – of a large Soviet delegation headed by the Kremlin 's foreign minister , Vyacheslav Molotov .
