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  • abbr.公共信道信令设备(Common Channel Signaling Equipment);共同通信转换设备(Corporate Communications Switching Equipment)
  1. Client application can request the services , using API of CCSE in a transparant and unified method .


  2. Symptomatic effect , integra of CCSE and FAQ before and after treatment were observed and compared .


  3. Changes were observed of cognitive effect index , integral of measuring scale ( CCSE 、 FQA 、 MMSE ), symptom integral based on TCM , quality of life , indexes of blood rheology in brain arteries .


  4. Methods 108 patients with ischemic cerebrovascular disease ( ICVD ) and its risk factor and 30 age matched normal subjects were examined with auditory ERP , cognitive capacity screening examination ( CCSE ) and mini mental state examination ( MMSE ) .


  5. Methods : Auditory ERP , cognitive capacity screening examination ( CCSE ) and mini-mental state examination ( MMSE ) were studied separately in 32 patients with TIA and 30 normal subjects matched with age , sex , handedness and education .


  6. Event-related potentials ( ERP ) were studied by auditory oddball paradigm in 30 diabetic patients and the same number of normal subjects with matched age , sex and degree of education . Cognitive Capacity Screening Examination ( CCSE ) and Mini-Mental State Examination ( MMSE ) were also examined .
