
  • 网络趋化因子受体-5;趋化因子受体5;趋化性细胞因子受体5
  1. Some people were born without CCR5 gene , thus having natural immunity against AIDS .


  2. This variability means that a small deletion on the CCR5 gene .


  3. Conclusion Condyloma acuminata are not associated with genetic polymorphism of CCR5 △ 32 gene .


  4. Her team used the CCR5 gene from human stem cells , which normally allows the HIV virus to enter human cells .


  5. ABSTRACT : Objective To investigate the relationship between CCR5 △ 32 gene polymorphism and condyloma acuminata .


  6. Mesenchymal stem cells promote the migration and proliferation of Saos-2 cells through CCL5 / CCR5 axis


  7. The team that conducted the study had previously transplanted edited CCR5 human cells into mice , making them resistant to HIV .


  8. Without CCR5 for the HIV to rob , the patient 's immune cells can effectively resist HIV and prevent infection .


  9. They say morphine blocked HIV from binding to CCR5 receptors it typically uses to enter and infect cells .


  10. Apparently , some unusual types of HIV have figured out how to use proteins other than CCR5 to invade cells .


  11. Heterozygosity for CCR5 - △ 32 may confer partial protection against disease progression in HIV-inferent individuals .


  12. Results Compared to B6 WT group , B6 CCR5 KO group succumbed to acute GVHD at an accelerated rate .


  13. He used a " zinc finger nuclease " Protein ( zinc finger protein ), stripping to T-cell surface of the CCR5 gene .


  14. Objective : To study the relation of RANTES and its receptor ( CCR5 ) expression in gastric cancer and in lymph nodes with cancer metastasis .


  15. The CCR5 ribozyme molecule stops the patient 's white blood cells producing CCR5 , a protein that HIV uses to get into host cells .


  16. Furthermore , expression of both CCR2 and CCR5 genes was enhanced significantly in activated macrophages when compared with non-activated macrophages .


  17. After transplantation , only approximately 5 % to 8 % of the patient 's bone marrow cells carried the CCR5 edit , according to the researchers .


  18. Doctors sought out a donor with this rare genetic mutation , called CCR5 , which stops the HIV virus from attaching to infected cells .


  19. Gene expression of CCR2 and CCR5 and their chemokines in transplanted FPP xenografts was evaluated by real-time PCR .


  20. This patient 's own cells had the usual amount of the CCR5 receptor , and the strain of HIV in his blood was the type that used the receptor .


  21. Since the patient was HIV-positive , researchers sought out a stem cell donor whose cells lacked the CCR5 receptor that HIV commonly uses to get into immune cells .


  22. Results Research showed that the coreceptor of the no HIV infected man had CCR5 △ 32 homozygote mutation which was not found whether among healthy person or HIV infected people .


  23. Objective To evaluate the role of gene CCR5 on donor cells in models where intensive preconditioning of the recipient occurs , thus provide the scientific evidence for clinical experience of allo-HSCT .


  24. The CCR5 gene mutation has been associated with a 21 % increased risk of dying early , according to a paper published in Nature in June , though it 's unclear why .


  25. People who carry defective copies of CCR5 are highly immune to HIV , because the virus uses a protein made by this gene to gain entry into an infected person 's cells .


  26. The team demonstrated that without this receptor , Mycobacterium tuberculosis was able to thrive inside host cells , as the immune cells did not receive the signal from CCR5 to attack them .


  27. Fortunately , we know that certain people are indeed resistant to particular diseases . Take HIV , for example . Some people have a genetic mutation that disables their copy of the CCR5 protein .


  28. Objective To investigate expression and significance of CC-chemokine receptor 5 ( CCR5 ) in HCV mono-infection , HIV mono-infection and HCV / HIV co-infection .


  29. Paul Lehner of the UK-based Cambridge Institute for Medical Research and colleagues identified a receptor on the host cells known as CCR5 that triggers the immune cells'response to tuberculosis ( TB ) .


  30. HIV uses that protein as a doorway into human cells . So , if a person lacks CCR5 , HIV can 't enter their cells , and they 're extremely unlikely to become infected with the disease .
