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  • 网络中国与全球化智库;中国与全球化研究中心
  1. If you have any additional questions , please contact us via CCG or the Company directly .


  2. Contact culture group , CCG .


  3. At last , it analyzes the good performance and speedup of CCG ( Component based Computational Grid ) system .


  4. CCG surveyed 2797 students from 100 domestic universities to understand their willingness in entrepreneurship .


  5. Miao Lyu , executive secretary-general of CCG , said China 's current commitment to improve soft power is another factor .


  6. Cationic colloidal gold ( CCG ) probe and various enzymes digestion on CCG labelling were taken for the study .


  7. Wang Huiyao , director of CCG , said the cooling down of business as a major is related to the economic situation in China .


  8. Li Qing , a lead researcher at CCG , said students majoring in engineering , management or economics tend to be more active in innovation and startups .


  9. The karyotype was detected by conventional cytogenetic R-banding ( CCR ) and G-banding ( CCG ) .


  10. Conclusion : Pre embedding cationic colloidal gold ( CCG ) labelling technique can reveal the anionic sites on the surface of dural vascular endothelial cells quantitatively .


  11. Van Leer 's flux vector splitting scheme and Jameson 's central difference scheme are used respectively in PDG and CCG as the numerical methods to solve the Euler equations .


  12. With CCG , Ph ( + ) clone were detected in 9 among 18 cases ( 50 % ) of CML , positive rate ranging from 16.7 % to 100 % .


  13. A study by the Center for China and Globalization ( CCG ) think-tank found that over 60 percent of university students show an interest in launching startups , preferably in China 's second-tier cities .


  14. The practice of the project confirmed the validity and feasibility of CCG . The pattern of CCG is positive in improving the procedure and method of public participation and raising the public awareness of environmental protection .


  15. Middle dose group ( 0.6 g / kg ) and high dose group ( 1.2 g / kg ) of CCG could decrease the body mass lose significantly ( P < 0.05 , P < 0.01 ) .


  16. " CCG Animation Game Awards " in the Ministry of Culture under the leadership of the animation content for the core , cross-media , cross-industry awards event , the domestic animation industry leader .


  17. It is showed that 95 % of the villagers have a positive attitude to the pattern of CCG , and affirm the project implementation effect . The CCG provides an objective route for the public participation in environmental protection .


  18. The convergence velocity and optimization effect of co-evolution genetic algorithm ( CCG ) are better than that of a simple genetic algorithm . It is used for optimizing the image enhancement based fuzzy algorithm for the purpose of optimal fuzzy logic processing effect .


  19. In view of formal concept analysis of the feasibility in the topic search , the Concept Context Graph ( CCG ) which is gotten from the concept lattice as the background knowledge to guide the focused crawler is a good innovation .


  20. In this paper , the copper coated graphite ( CCG ) filler was prepared by chemical reduction method and the effect of particle size and copper thickness of CCG on the tribological behaviors of CCG-PTFE composites were investigated .


  21. Three of the 10 cDNA were identified as the clock-controlled genes ( CCG ), that is , the catalase , myelin proteolipid protein ( plp ) and histone acetylase gene .


  22. Conclusions : I-FISH can be used as a sensitive and specific tool for monitoring the change of tumor load in CML during . Compared with CCG RT-PCR , results and conclusions acquired with I-FISH would be more scientific , reasonable and convictive .


  23. Methods : Bone Marrow cells from 20 cases of CML in treatment were assayed with I-FISH , conventional cytogenetic G-banding ( CCG ) analysis and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction ( RT-PCR ) through which the tumor load was monitored in a quantitative way .


  24. Wang believes as the Chinese mobile games market matures , new categories such as action games ( ACT ) , ARPG ( Action Role Playing Games ) and card games ( CCG , Collectible Card Game , or TCG , Trading Card Game ) will become popular .


  25. Results A point mutation was found in one family with substitution of 4142C by T which resulted in the change of the CCG codon for Pro 1314 to the codon for Ser ( TCG ) . 2 male patients and their mother all had such abnormality .
