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  • 网络考马斯亮蓝;电容;聚丙烯;聚丙烯电容;基础模块
  1. An Improved Technique for Protein Staining with CBB G250


  2. CBB is the most serious disease in the domestic cassava of China , which is a huge potential threat and very difficult to prevention .


  3. The paper presents several improvements on the counter-based broadcasting scheme and proposes an enhanced counter-based broadcasting scheme , CBB + .


  4. Corporate banking business ( CBB ) is of great importance for Chinese banks , since their profit comes mainly from CBB , and this will still last for a long time .


  5. Cell-based biosensors ( CBB ) use living cells as sensing elements , and convert cellular response to electrical signals that can be detected by a secondary transducer .


  6. Synthesis of 7 - ( 2-carboxy-4-bromo-benzeneazo ) - 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonic acid ( CBB ) and spectrophotometric determination of Mo in foods


  7. There are mainly three methods in the determination of proteins : Coomassie brilliant blue G-250 ( CBB G-250 ), UV absorption ( UV ) and micro-Kjeldahl .


  8. PAGE is an effective method for the analysis , comparison and identification of protein . The removal of the coomassie brilliant blue ( CBB ) from the gel is generally inefficient in SDS_PAGE .


  9. CO_ 2 fixation in the chemoautotrophic bacteria occurs via the Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle , and most of the enzymes of the cycle are encoded by cbb genes .


  10. Objectives : To evaluate the application of Coomassie brilliant blue ( CBB ) G250 staining for the detection of human sperm deformity rate , rate of intact acrosome and acrosome reaction .
