Less scourge-like caudex differentiation makes accumulation of corm material more efficient .
The growths of root were better than that of caudex in the same growth phase ;
A simple caudex ( enlarged stem base ) or creeping rhizomes can be present .
The traditional classification of Cavendish subgroup based on caudex height is not strict corresponded with gene type similarity .
It is tender caudex of Mao bamboo that grows in mountains and river valleys .
In root and caudex vessels of III degree infected plants , there were much hypha and little tyloses .
, growing period , cold hardiness , scourge-like caudex differentiation , corm weight increase , and so on .
Texture mapping was used to leaf and fruit models , while process texture generation was introduced to cylinder-like organs such as caudex and petiole .
Alfalfa , which is a kind of perennial leguminous caudex , is the best and most important leguminous grass in the world .
We tracked six times from germination to mature including plant height , caudex , canopy and biomass in every plots as well as density of plots .
The content of flavonoids of different parts of liquorice displayed variety in different months , which manifested clearly on some transportation parts of liquorice such as the stem of leaf and the overground caudex .
The dissecting observation on diseased annual and biennial plants of largehead atractylodes rhizome determined that the symptoms of rhizome rot on this plant included three different types : dry rot , wet rot and caudex rot.
The prominent characteristic of the siliceous rock is the residual bioclastic structure , with plenty of silicified calcareous organisms , such as brachiopoda , encrinite caudex and coral , which are several millimeters in size .
Lily 's major indexes are ≥ 0 ℃ annual accumulated temperature , frost-free season and rainfall from bloom to caudex becoming large ( from the middle ten days of June to the first ten days of August ), and similarly , the supplementary index is the average yield ;