casual observer

美 [ˈkæʒuəl əbˈzɜːrvər]英 [ˈkæʒuəl əbˈzɜːvə(r)]
  • 不经意的旁观者
casual observercasual observer
  1. Even a casual observer could hardly have failed to notice the heightening of an already tense atmosphere .


  2. To the casual observer , the system appears confusing .


  3. It 's obvious even to the casual observer .


  4. A casual observer would have taken them to be three men out for an evening stroll


  5. The painting depicted a hall so lifelike that a casual observer might believe himself to be looking through an open door .


  6. To a casual observer , everything might appear normal .


  7. This may not be immediately apparent to the casual observer .


  8. The most casual observer would have noticed his strange behaviour .


  9. And even the most casual observer knows water is scarce throughout the entire Middle Eastern region .


  10. Unfortunately the syntax and the context are lost to the casual observer .


  11. Looking at the figures , a casual observer might conclude that globalisation is in crisis .


  12. His very person and appearance were such as to strike the attention of the most casual observer .


  13. To the casual observer poker appears to be a game where it 's everyone against everyone .


  14. As a result , it now looks to the casual observer as if String has a shout () method .


  15. A casual observer could be forgiven for thinking it was a decent quarter , with many banks posting higher year-on-year operating profits .


  16. There was no apparent slope downward , and distinctly none upward , so far as the casual observer might have seen .


  17. It is nowhere muddy , and a casual observer would say that there were no weeds at all in it ;


  18. To the casual observer , these two people may appear to be dancing , but in reality , they both just want to get on with their lives .


  19. To the casual observer , Peter Woolf and Will Riley , both 55 , are devoted old pals .


  20. To a casual observer , this might seem self-evident , given how much time children tend to spend online , roaming cyber space or chatting with friends .


  21. Because all types of bilingual people can become fully proficient in a language regardless of accent and pronunciation , the difference may not be apparent to be a casual observer .


  22. [ Odd pairings that to the casual observer make absolutely no sense at all ] LEO & TAURUS : This is an ill-fated connection .


  23. To the casual observer , the attendance by an eight-year-old American boy at a yearly conference for one of China 's biggest internet companies last week might have been an unlikely sight .


  24. It 's largely psychological , but I 've found that readers who come back to you regularly for two or three months will tend to convert from " casual observer " to something approaching " fan " .


  25. The title " Harvard professor " has been used or rather , abused , so often it has turned into something of a joke.To even a casual observer , what Meng wrote was not surprising .


  26. Meanwhile , a recent flurry of legal activity in the form of unilateral blocks on imports , and of litigation at the World Trade Organisation , might persuade a casual observer that there is a trade war under way .


  27. To a casual observer Mr Hewitt , who died 14 months ago , may have appeared virtually destitute in his trademark duffel coat , ill-fitting trousers and canvas pumps , as he sold newspapers on the streets .


  28. Given that an estimated 70 % of disabilities aren 't obvious to the casual observer , it 's a certainty that even more organizations already employ people with a brain difference , whether it 's autism , ADHD , dyslexia , dyspraxia , Tourette 's syndrome , disfluency , or a mood disorder .
