The carer will have to do all the work : placing the patient on the seat , strapping him in , taking him off again at the top .
Often a grandparent could perform the role of main carer .
Proper equality may be achieved only once men become fully comfortable taking on the role of primary carer .
Additional needs stem from their frequent status as a mother and usually the primary carer for her children .
She was now the carer of her three younger siblings .
How do you feel if you can not use your nursing skills and only work as a carer ? Why ?
Objective demands on community include system management on chronic disease , rehabilitation guidance , carer training , psychological nursing , and health education , etc.
The Kenyan woman is now studying English and IT at college as a preliminary step to becoming a carer .
The primary carer were spouse ( 46 % ) and parents ( 31 % );
It starts with overuse of a contact call as the bird asks for thee attention of its carer .
The remarkable experiment in brain technology was the first time since the stroke that 58-year-old Cathy had drunk without help from a carer .
Being a carer is very stressful and only those who have experienced it first hand will understand exactly how stressful .
The researchers found that caregiving had a negative impact on carer health across all participants-both traditional and non-traditional .
This is common with many cockatoos , which scream when their carer leaves the room and the bird is left alone .
The questionnaire was completed by the patient or , where the patient was a minor , by the accompanying parent or carer .
The Kenyan woman she mentors wants to train as a carer , but there will be several steps before she reaches that goal .
His wife has become her husband 's carer , watching helplessly as the cruel disease steals her husband 's memories and personality away from him .
Results : Five independent variables had been put into regression equation by multiple regression analysis , which were ADL score , stroke attack time , marriage , carer and SDS score .
The care is good . However , the carer has the greatest difficulty completing her tasks because her elderly client wants her to stop and talk to him all the time .
William , third in line to the throne , stopped to greet carer Debbie Barlett , 51 , who lives near Sandringham .
The quality of life in patients with chronic heart failure in the community was influenced by factors including gender , character , family history , carer , exercise , drug types and occupational status . 3 .
The act of looking after elderly parents or relatives now earns us the official title of a " carer " and some suggest that this role should be financially compensated .
As the baby gets older their carer lets the game adapt to the babies ' new abilities , allowing both adult and infant to enjoy a similar game but done in different ways .
He said , " If you come back to mine , you can have the job . " The same girl was a full-time carer for her brother , who was very sick .
The earliest version of peekaboo is simple looming , where the carer announces they are coming with their voice before bringing their face into close focus for the baby .
In the meantime , his girlfriend Mary Jane , who is played by Kirsten Dunst , is failing in her carer as a Broadway singer .
She uses a walking frame to get around the house , meaning Rick - the sole breadwinner and Amanda 's primary carer - also had to install a lift in his DIY mobile home .
The rent on their one-bedroom flat is paid for by the taxpayer , and a carer comes twice daily to clean and help Mr Beer dress , but the taxpayer pays the & # 163 ; 8,000-a-year cost .
Savile was able to get away with these crimes for years because he wore the disguise of a generous carer so well that none questioned his motives , and he successfully hid his dark side from the public until after he died
We started talking because of my expertise in robotics , and I was at a point in my carer where I was interested in commercializing the work that I had done academically [ Breazeal is an associate professor of media arts and sciences at MIT ] .