
美 [kəˈbɑlz]英 [kəˈbælz]
  • n.政治阴谋小集团
  • cabal的复数



  • 1
    N-COUNT 阴谋小集团;秘密团体
    If you refer to a group of politicians or other people as a cabal, you are criticizing them because they meet and decide things secretly.

    He had been chosen by a cabal of fellow senators.


  1. No longer would small cabals of rich countries like the group of eight stitch up deals while excluding half the world economy from the discussions .


  2. As soon as we have just walked out of last year 's snow disaster , another series of farces , calamity and cabals come out .


  3. An elastic rod is an important model widely used in Science and Engineer studies . Many systems , such as undersea cabals , fibers and DNA , can be modeled as elastic rods .


  4. The dark cabals have been boxed into a corner from which they cannot escape , and your world now awaits its transformation into the Light-filled entity we have long envisioned .


  5. The intermediate deck superintendent in the attraction , the retention and the development backbone cabals , founds the high achievements team and the organization culture , the improvement and the development customer service and the degree of satisfaction and so on many aspects , has the unreplaceable function .
