- 【医】【=a subunit of first protein to react in complement system】补体系统第一成分(蛋白质)s亚成分

The analysis of the x ray photoelectron spectra ( XPS ) of C1s core level of the thin films shows the sp 3C content in the films is about 40 % .
The maximum N atom content in the films reaches 0.47 and the binding energy ( BE ) of C1s and N1s photoelectron varies with deposition conditions , shifting between 2.41 and - 1.7 ?
Combining the X-ray photoelectron spectrum ( XPS ) analysis and CAFM , we have further studied the relationship between the conductance of SAM and the C1s binding energy of the terminal group of the molecule .
A curve fitting technique was applied to separate C1s peak in the XPS spectra of the sample film into sp3 peak and sp2 peak , for which the percentage of sp3 is 55 % .