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  1. Design and Implementation of Throughput Automatic Test System for BWA Product


  2. At present , BWA system has been one of the most important components of global communication structure .


  3. Research on Protocol of BWA Mesh Network


  4. However , there are few automated test cases aiming at throughput testing of BWA product .


  5. ASIC implement of decision feedback equalizer in BWA system


  6. One target of BWA is to fully support the multimedia service , which is becoming a dominant service .


  7. Broadband Wireless Access ( BWA ) technology has become a hot spot of the market because of its many advantages .


  8. BWA System and IEEE Standard 802.16.1


  9. How to provide QoS guarantees for various traffic with different QoS requirements in fixed BWA system is a very important problem .


  10. With wireless communication playing more and more important role , BWA has extensive applied foreground and huge development potential as an important part of wireless communication .


  11. Qos of Multi-Services in BWA System


  12. However , one of the main challenges in BWA is to provide the quality of service ( QoS ) for heterogeneous traffic streams requiring various QoS guarantees .


  13. At present , Broadband Wireless Access ( BWA ) networks have proved to be a viable solution providing service to personal and commercial clients demanding for high speed Internet access .


  14. The IEEE 802.16 BWA ( Broadband Wireless Access ) system has many advantages , such as easy installation and maintenance , inexpensive operation , connection-oriented service and quality of service guarantee .


  15. WiMAX technology is one of the most popular BWA ( Broadband Wireless Access ) technologies , which is expected to solve the last-mile problem instead of classical wired connections .


  16. Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks ( Wireless MAN ) is emerging as a highly promising Broadband Wireless Access ( BWA ) technology to provide high-speed , high-bandwidth and high-capacity multimedia services .


  17. Based on the control mechanism supported by the Hierarchical WFQ packet scheduling algorithm and IEEE 802.16 protocols , a QoS architecture for Broadband Wireless Access Systems ( BWA ) is proposed .


  18. Rapid growth in high-speed Internet access and multimedia service applications , along with the ubiquitous availability , especially in hard-to-reach areas has increased the demand for broadband wireless access ( BWA ) communications .


  19. Broadband wireless access ( BWA ) technology is a very promising technology for broadband access , it has many advantages such as low price , rapid deployment , high scalability , lower maintenance and upgrade costs .


  20. During the negative BWA summer , equatorial westerlies are weaker than the climatological mean since the above physical process is weakened with the equatorial eastward propagating BSISO weaker .


  21. Secondly , regarding the status of CATV network in A City , the planning scheme of B-IP MACN was proposed to meet the needs of BWA according to the current carrying network of IP data service .


  22. In this context the authors shall overview the work of one of the IEEE 802.16 standard subcommittee projects that deals with a BWA solution based on OFDM Access ( OFDMA ) aiming at the NLOS scenarios .


  23. WiMax is a technology based on IEEE 802.16 or BWA ( Broadband Wireless Access , Broadband Wireless Access ) standard for Wireless Metropolitan Area Network ( WMAN ), it has faster transmission speed , longer transmission distance , QoS guarantee and better security .
