burst bubble

美 [bɜːrst ˈbʌbl]英 [bɜːst ˈbʌbl]
  • 破裂的泡泡
burst bubbleburst bubble
  1. Of its 1,574 companies , only two are down ( one was a victim of the burst bubble in rare earth metals ) .


  2. Forced sales resulting from the burst bubble , and from the recession that has followed it , weigh on house prices and banks ' balance sheets alike .


  3. News of the defeat quickly burst the bubble of our self-confidence .


  4. I hate to be the one to burst his bubble .


  5. Tony : So meeting her really burst your bubble .


  6. Excuse me , but I hate to burst your bubble .


  7. I hate to burst your bubble .


  8. I don 't mean to burst your bubble , but you 're not the only one who got an award .


  9. China is different from the west in many ways but the real economic effects of a burst property bubble are the same the world over .


  10. I hate to be the one to burst your bubble , but your school 's team didn 't win last night .


  11. I hate to burst your bubble , but I don 't think he remembers you .


  12. To avoid the burst of bubble economy , it 's crucial for the monetary authority to take monetary measures in advance .


  13. How he achieved this has lessons for a Japan still struggling with the legacy of the burst asset bubble .


  14. I got a second audition for the role in the movie , but it really burst my bubble when I didn 't get the part .


  15. Ironically , after the BoJ raised rates and burst the bubble , American bankers and policymakers were quick to lecture the Japanese .


  16. Ireland was forced to accept international aid in 2010 after its banks , weakened by a burst housing-market bubble , ran out of acceptable collateral .


  17. As in all asset bubbles , it took time to propel prices to such outlandish levels , but it only took a single pierce to burst the bubble .


  18. Their hopes of success have burst like a bubble .


  19. One day she may wake up to find that all this happiness has burst like a bubble .


  20. But why burst his little bubble ?


  21. After the burst of Dot-com bubble , how do you think the future of IT industry ?


  22. Eventually that kind of risk-taking is unsustainable and you get a burst of the bubble .


  23. And unfortunately now they ... it 's reached ... the bubble burst . The bubble 's burst .


  24. Not when short-tempered taxi drivers , arrogant waiters and smelly back alleys burst your fantasy bubble .


  25. Is precisely this kind of feedback mechanism , causes the bubble burst , the bubble comprehensive breakage impact entire economy , the bubble economy to collapse is also inevitable .


  26. After the burst of the bubble economy , Japan has adopted a variety of adjusting policies including the reforms in the taxation system , to pull through the economic depression .


  27. With the sharp drop of NASDAQ , the burst of Internet bubble and the 911-terror attack , venture capital industry suffered a lot in the 21 century .


  28. The current lull in house sales is more of a hesitation on the part of buyers rather than a sudden evaporation of demand or burst of a bubble .


  29. The overvalued stocks represented by GEM stocks faced huge pressure of valuation correction , as the GEM expanded , particularly the launch of new tertiary board , will speed up the burst of GEM bubble .


  30. Now all of these bubbles have burst , leaving a bubble - dependent world in the lurch .
