- n.停电;灯火暗淡;灯火管制;降低电压

Brownout can be fairly mild and is usually reversible , but in the long term can cause serious problems .
Staff affected by brownout become disengaged , demotivated and lose interest in their jobs .
As the name suggests , brownout is not as serious as burnout , but it is much more prevalent .
The more usual symptoms of brownout tend to be disengagement , discontent , and lethargy .
But recently , executive coaches and business psychologists have started talking about " brownout " , which is a sort of junior sibling .
Brownout Device of Alternating Current Electrical Machinery Based on Economic Operation
Michael Kibler , who has spent much of his career studying this phenomenon , refers to it as brownout .
For instance , too little electricity , caused by a brownout or blackout , may cause the loss of data in primary storage .
The destroyer was winking urgently . An emergency " brownout " was already in effect .
In order to prevent brownout and to retain top talent , companies and managers must understand what they 're doing that contributes to this slow fade .
Selection of non-volatile data storage system after brownout guarantee an important parameter not lost.12 digital control can be shown instantaneous flow value of cumulative flows , flow settings , such as PID parameters of a number of parameters .