
美 [ˈbroʊkər diːlər]英 [ˈbrəʊkə diːlə(r)]
  • n.(证券交易所的)交易经纪人,证券商


finance 财(证券交易所的)交易经纪人,证券商
a person who works on the Stock Exchange buying shares from and selling shares to brokers and the public

compare jobber


a financial specialist who trades for his own account and so acts both as a broker and principal


  1. Broker-dealer 's full information disclosure to investors is an important component of security market .


  2. And the extent becomes bigger and bigger , the requirement to broker-dealer becomes increasingly strict .


  3. Without adequate cash to facilitate trades , a broker-dealer is doomed .


  4. Lehman Brothers Inc , the broker-dealer in New York , was a relatively simple company .


  5. Appropriate introduction means that the broker-dealer should introduce the possible loss in the way which can be understood by the investor well .


  6. Such uncertainty is a killer for a broker-dealer .


  7. A pure investment bank is not a depository institution and it 's also & a pure investment bank is not a broker-dealer either .


  8. Accounting treatments vary - HSBC carries its investments at cost , while broker-dealer Goldman Sachs must mark its position to market .


  9. In2008 , the company withdrew its broker-dealer registrations .


  10. The second is to scale back heavily , or abandon , their broker-dealer arms and become more like big hedge funds or private equity funds .


  11. But , as a broker-dealer , Lehman was not subject to such regulation : the SEC did not have the tools .


  12. Banks would be barred from owning and investing in private equity and hedge funds and would be forced to curtail many of their broker-dealer operations .


  13. This is the problem I identified last week , with the most powerful broker-dealer on Wall Street having the same privileges as the most mundane commercial bank .


  14. In a statement , Lehman said its filing for Chapter 11 in U.S. bankruptcy court will not affect its broker-dealer subsidiaries or other units .


  15. Complying with broker-dealer registration is costly , and opens up a depth of regulatory scrutiny to which private equity is unaccustomed .


  16. Morgan Stanley opened on Wall Street on Monday September 16 1935 and , 73 years later , almost to the day , the institution of the broker-dealer died .


  17. A broker-dealer should assume the civil liability for the loss of a investor if broker-dealer exercise no or wrong judgment on the suitability of a financial product .


  18. It is unable to replace this by seeking direct business from institutional investors , because US regulations prevent a recognised exchange from forming trading relationships with anyone except a registered broker-dealer .


  19. But in the broker-dealer world , confidence and perception are critical , and if enough people believe you 're going under , rightly or wrongly , the game is over – fast .


  20. They could not conduct broker-dealer activities , make markets in derivatives or securities , trade securities or derivatives for either their own account or customers , or sponsor hedge or private equity funds .


  21. Estimates of the shortfall have fluctuated since the broker-dealer filed for bankruptcy on October 31 after failing to douse fears over its exposure to European sovereign debt .


  22. Included in the monetary penalties is a $ 200 million payment to the Securities and Exchange Commission to settle charges that UBS acted as an unregistered broker-dealer and investment adviser .


  23. If the banks fail to engineer satisfactory loopholes to protect their profitable broker-dealer operations , they will then face a daunting choice – to be or not to be a bank holding company .


  24. What they 're really doing is just we 're facing this seize up of our financial system so we have banks that we 've just seen the failure of Bear Stearns which is actually a broker-dealer .


  25. This , at its core , is questioning what was an unquestionable tenet of the financial markets , said Guy LeBas , chief fixed-income strategist at New York broker-dealer Janney Montgomery Scott .


  26. The credit squeeze has been marked by ad hoc policies : the Fed had to invent a new facility so that it could lend to Bear Stearns , for example , because it is a broker-dealer rather than a commercial bank .


  27. It also is a much-needed reputational boost for sharespost , which last May was charged by the SEC with engaging in securities transactions without first registering for the required broker-dealer license ( the two sides later settled for $ 100,000 ) .


  28. It also emerged that , contrary to Sir Allen 's assurances , at least $ 400,000 of SIB 's assets were exposed to Bernard Madoff , the US broker-dealer accused in December of perpetrating an alleged $ 50bn Ponzi scheme .
