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  • abbr.英国红十字协会(British Red Cross Association)
  1. A positive BRCA test does not mean a leap to surgery .


  2. This does not affect normal cells because they can call on an alternative repair mechanism , controlled by their healthy BRCA genes .


  3. Strains of CTV in a mixture of CTV infections can be separated by single BrCA transmission .


  4. Bilateral prophylactic mastectomy or oophorectomy can reduce the incidence of breast cancer in BRCA mutation carriers .


  5. They found that 1 / 5 of the women had genetic flaws linked to breast cancer including the well known BRCA 1 and 2 genes .


  6. Conclusion Contralateral breast cancer risk depends on age at first breast cancer and on the affected BRCA gene , and this risk should be considered in treatment planning .


  7. BRCA mutations cause about 5 to 10 percent of breast cancers and 10 to 15 percent of ovarian cancers among white women in the United States .


  8. But in tumours cells , where the BRCA pathway is disabled by genetic mutation , there is no alternative repair mechanism , and the cells die .


  9. For BRCA genes , 94 % of non-Ashkenazi Jewish individuals and 19 % of those of Ashkenazi heritage had a mutation that would be missed .


  10. BRCA genes take part in the harmed DNA mending process , maintain gene integrity and make the cell in which DNA has been damaged apoptosis , inhibit the pathogenesis and development of tumors .


  11. In my case , the Eastern and Western doctors I met agreed that surgery to remove my tubes and ovaries was the best option , because on top of the BRCA gene , three women in my family have died from cancer .
