- adj.狂风大作的

In some areas , snow , freezing rain and blustery conditions are making it difficult to drive .
On blustery days , the lighthouse would be capable of playing intricate musical scores .
The day was cold and blustery .
The blustery winds of spring had dropped to a gentle breeze .
It 's a cold night here , with intermittent rain showers and a blustery wind .
The 20th century is gold time for the Chinese oil painting , also a blustery time .
Try some of the suggestions above to get a little happier during these blustery days .
Now online blustery , Korea , America , domestic game play also have mushroomed general resurrected .
Mom called me at school on a blustery October day to tell me Grandpa had died .
Blustery conditions did little to aid either defences , and Wolves'set-pieces caused United untold troubles .
Blustery spring winds delivered fresh air to 20m pairs of blackened lungs .
One cold and blustery night when the wind was howling , a swallow flew over the city .
England 's blustery Dorset coast seems an unlikely setting for retirement planning lessons , but actually it 's perfect .
Reapply during the day - especially before going into the blustery outdoors - and before you go to bed at night .
Presently , no matter is domestic or overseas , no matter is the traditional media or the emerging media , the entertainment tide is blustery .
The change in humidity , the exposure to indoor heaters , and blustery winds actually can make skin drier and duller .
But some parts of the U.S. are still experiencing cold and blustery weather , so runners are still spending lots of time on the treadmill .
On a bitter , blustery Wednesday morning , the mall still manages to draw big crowds but the brands are not familiar foreign names .
The wave of globalization is blustery . Along with the conclusion of the transition period after entering WTO , the opening of financial industry in our country is irreversible .
On a rainy and blustery day it is not unusual to get soaking wet when wrestling with a troublesome brolly .
He has a blustery personal style and campaigns tirelessly for his company , speaking at dozens of conferences and events each year all over the world .
At present , Nanchang EMS faces the market environment transforms suddenly , the international on profession giant main strength threatens the border , the domestic competitor also is blustery .
The global capital tide is blustery at the moment , and the financial crisis broke out in 2007 also caused a fatal blow to many businesses , international and domestic situation is becoming increasingly grim .
Blustering ( or blusterous ) winds of Patagonia ; a cold blustery day ; a gusty storm with strong sudden rushes of wind .
In blustery weather with the Statue of Liberty as a backdrop , Jon Huntsman entered the presidential fray with a bleak warning about the country 's direction .
On a blustery November morning at an airfield outside London , an enormous second-hand car auction is buzzing ; demand is so great that average prices have risen 27 per cent over the past year .
We descended through blustery rain and buffeting winds into sparkling sunny lakeland , checking the traps as we went . We found one dead stoat and two decomposing rats in the traps .
The menu evolves with the seasons and might feature seared scallops or slow-roasted salt-grass lamb from Flinders Island , off Tasmania 's northern coast , where blustery weather deposits salt on pastures .
They were from an exclusive new line of Shanghai-produced footwear called Mary Ching , the woman said , but the shoes made me think of a Bond Girl going undercover in a chilly Spanish library or blustery Italian convent .
But within seconds , she appeared to have charmed a crowd of more than 1000 people , who had been waiting hours in a cold and blustery wind for a glimpse of the couple - and , in particular , for a peek at the bride-to-be .