
美 [ˈbleɪznd]英 [ˈbleɪznd]
  • v.广为宣传;宣布;宣扬;夸示,显示;把…公开;用纹章学术语描述(纹章);绘制或画(纹章);雕刻;铭刻,镂刻
  • blazon的过去分词和过去式
  1. The " National Enquirer " blazoned forth that we astronomers had really discovered another civilization . 《


  2. The villages were blazoned with autumnal color .


  3. The boat had her name blazoned on her bow .


  4. The " National Enquirer " blazoned forth that we astronomers had really discovered another civilization .


  5. Blazoned on his shield were the two lambs and the lion , the traditional coat of arms of his family .


  6. The stars and moons and suns blazoned on that sacred wall ( G.K. Chesterton )


  7. Outside the entrance , Robert 's warhammer was displayed beside an immense iron shield blazoned with the crowned stag of House Baratheon .


  8. Through his researches on the image system figured by Rabelais , Bakhtin has blazoned forth a concept of macro-death with dualism and jocosity .


  9. His own Corinthians , once struggling , were rolling in money , but he preferred his political slogans to the dozens of sponsors now blazoned on their shirts .


  10. The nuclear issue blazoned forth by the school of new social history of Britain is to stick to the conception of history from bottom to up , which has indicated the tropism and disquisitive practice of the whole social history directed by this kind of conception of history .


  11. It was soon revealed that the new recruit had brought his own armor with him ; padded doublet , boiled leather , mail and plate and helm , even a great wood-and-leather shield blazoned with the same striding huntsman he wore on his surcoat .
