
美 [ˈblækɪŋ]英 [ˈblækɪŋ]
  • v.使变黑;拒绝(同某人做生意);涂黑;染黑;抵制;拒绝处理(货物)
  • n.黑色涂料;黑鞋油;炭粉
  • black的现在分词



  • 1
    COLOUR 黑色
    Something that is black is of the darkest colour that there is, the colour of the sky at night when there is no light at all.

    She was wearing a black coat with a white collar...


  • 2
    ADJ (人)黑色人种的;(尤指)非洲黑人的
    A black person belongs to a race of people with dark skins, especially a race from Africa.

    He worked for the rights of black people...


  • 3
    N-COUNT 黑人(可能具冒犯意味)
    Black people are sometimes referred to as blacks. This use could cause offence.

    There are about thirty-one million blacks in the US.


  • 4
    ADJ (咖啡、茶)不加牛奶(或奶油)的
    Black coffee or tea has no milk or cream added to it.

    A cup of black tea or black coffee contains no calories...


  • 5
    ADJ-GRADED 极糟糕的;坏透顶的;黑暗的
    If you describe a situation as black, you are emphasizing that it is very bad indeed.

    It was, he said later, one of the blackest days of his political career...


  • 6
    ADJ-GRADED (情绪)沮丧的,低落的,忧郁的
    If someone is in a black mood, they feel very miserable and depressed.

    In late 1975, she fell into a black depression...


  • 7
    ADJ-GRADED 残忍的;恶毒的;邪恶的
    You use black to describe things that you consider to be very cruel or wicked.

    I think their crime is a blacker one than mere exploitation.


  • 8
    ADJ-GRADED (幽默)黑色的
    Black humour involves jokes about sad or difficult situations.

    'So you can all go over there and get shot,' he said, with the sort of black humour common among British troops here...


  • 9
    ADJ 巫术的;妖术的
    People who believe in black magic believe that it is possible to communicate with evil spirits.

    He was also alleged to have conducted black magic ceremonies...


  • 10
    VERB 把(眼睛)打得发青
    If someone blacks another person's eye, they punch or hit that person in the eye, causing it to bruise and look black.

    Her husband blacked her eye...


  • 11
    PHRASE (伤得)青一块紫一块
    If you say that someone is black and blue, you mean that they are badly bruised.

    Whenever she refused, he'd beat her black and blue...


  • 12
    PHRASE 有盈余;有结余
    If a person or an organization is in the black, they do not owe anyone any money.

    Remington's operations in Japan are now in the black...


  • 13
    PHRASE 怒视;恶狠狠的盯视
    If someone gives you a black look, they look at you in a way that shows that they are very angry about something.

    Passing my stall, she cast black looks at the amount of stuff still unsold.



a substance used to produce a shiny protective surface on footwear
Synonym: shoe polish


  1. Some Welsh activists have started blacking out English language road signs .


  2. U.S. government specialists went through each page , blacking out any information a foreign intelligence expert could use


  3. Development of Blacking Agent at Room Temperature for Iron & Steel


  4. Problems and Measures for Application of Room-Temperature Steel Blacking Agents


  5. Research Progresses of Nontoxic Room Temperature Blacking Liquid of Iron and Steel


  6. The diagram above show a large production blacking line with full rinse water recycling .


  7. Study on early blacking of the internal tube wall of alkali metal vapor lamps


  8. Alice said " they 're done with blacking , I believe . "


  9. It showed that this drug has a certain effect on blacking precancerous lesion of esophagus .


  10. They 're done with blacking , I believe .


  11. She clung to her husband , fighting the feeling of blacking out .


  12. In the early years of Blacking 's study life , he dreamed to be a classical-piano player .


  13. Darkness was blacking out both sea and jungle .


  14. He had a job of pasting labels of blacking .


  15. He washed himself with blacking ball , Because he had no soap ; Then said unto his mother .


  16. Nasal sound : It is produced by totally blacking the air stream into oral cavity and letting it out through the nasal cavity .


  17. The blacking reagent uses magnetic paint , polyurethane flat paint , carbon ink , TH-1 silicon dioxide paint and manganese phosphate paint .


  18. Alice looked down at them , and considered a little before she gave her answer . ` They 're done with blacking , I believe . '


  19. He wanted to have his boots cleaned with patent blacking , and the clerk could only afford ordinary GREase ; and upon that point they split .


  20. Within chromate-vitriol prescription , GW-1 additive can raise pretreatment velocity obviously and improve density , combining strength and uniform appearance , as well as stabilize the blacking chemical composition .


  21. This paper has been mentioned blacking of ceramic glaze of Vacuum interrupter by carbon element , It points out Blacking is affected by several technology parameters and blacking problem is settled .


  22. One spoke of stinginess , the other of vanity , and the blacking became the black cause of enmity between them , and at last they parted .


  23. It will leave citizens feeling like tourists in their own cities , gawping up at the homes of the wealthy blacking out the sky where once there was sun .
