
美 [ˈblækfeɪs]英 [ˈblækfeɪs]
  • n.黑面羊;黑脸羊;(演员用)黑油彩,黑脸化装品



a type of sheep with a black face


a dark substance used by actors to make their skin look dark


the makeup (usually burnt cork) used by a performer in order to imitate a Negro


  1. A troupe of performers in blackface typically giving a comic program of negro songs and jokes .


  2. Another said : " This is disgusting . Why have her in blackface when you could hire a darker skinned model ? "


  3. Katy Perry 's controversial ' face ' shoes are reportedly going to be pulled from shelves over their resemblance to blackface .


  4. Others slammed the pop star , with many pointing out that Katy 's shoe design is representative of the fashion world 's problematic relationship with blackface and cultural appropriation .


  5. Remember that time when the governor of Virginia did blackface , and people were like , " Oh , that 's bad . I need to get that racist out of here " ?


  6. In a nutshell , people were kind of pissed about Jynx 's design because it appeared to be a rather tactless and spectacularly offensive combination of blackface stereotypes .


  7. While the plot concentrates on two families after the Civil War , the alternately lazy , dangerous , and lecherous black characters played by white actors in blackface steal the show .


  8. Dolly 's genetic parent was not the Scottish Blackface ewe that bore it , but a cell taken from the mammary gland of a Finn Dorset ewe .


  9. The Pradamalia are fantasy charms composed of elements of the Prada oeuvre . They are imaginary creatures not intended to have any reference to the real world and certainly not blackface .


  10. While people were going back to yearbooks to look for things that were obviously racist , fewer people were looking into the current-day policy stances of legislators who probably did blackface but didn 't get caught .


  11. It has been reported by TMZ that the shoes are about to be removed from retailers as the 34-year-old singer continues to face scrutiny for the design , which bears a likeness to blackface makeup .


  12. While we 're absolutely not going to defend blackface , because we have more sense than that , there 's never really been any proof that this was the inspiration behind Jynx 's design beside the fact white people can 't look at the original sprite without first looking over their shoulder .


  13. Chinyere went on : ' When I asked a Prada employee whether they knew they had plastered blackface imagery throughout their store , in a moment of surprising candor I was told that a black employee had previously complained about blackface at Prada , but he didn 't work there anymore . '
