
美 [bɜrdz aɪ]英 [bɜːdz aɪ]
  • adj.俯视的;鸟瞰的;概观的
  • n.鸟瞰图;鸟眼花纹


as from an altitude or distance
a bird's-eye survey
a panoramic view
Synonym: panoramic


  1. From the hill we can take a bird 's-eye view of the city .


  2. We got a bird 's-eye view of the city from here .


  3. I like the bird 's-eye view you get from the gods .


  4. A Bird 's-eye View of the World Market for Microwave Stoves


  5. and if you looked down , you 'd get this bird 's-eye view of the room .


  6. He stood on the top of the mountain and got a bird 's-eye view of the city .


  7. I was wondering if we can take an airplane to have a bird 's-eye view of the city .


  8. A bird 's-eye view of the whole region east of the Mississippi must then have offered one vast expanse of woods .


  9. From the helicopter we obtained a bird 's-eye view of the town . There you can get a bird 's-eye view of the city .


  10. Air travel gives you a bird 's-eye view of the world - or even less if the wing of the happens to get in your way .


  11. Air travel gives you a bird 's-eye view of the world-or even less if the wing of the aircraft happens to get in your way .


  12. A bird 's-eye view of Swatow , probably taken by a Japanese soldier aboard a bomber flying over the city .


  13. THE STATE-OF-THE-ART OF VIROLOGICAL BIOCHEMISTRY IN OUR COUNTRY & A Bird 's-eye View of the 3rd National Conference of Virological Biochemistry


  14. Life in Color : Green A bird 's-eye view captures the serpentine course of a river in Peru 's mountainous Chachapoya region .


  15. Although I had experienced the bird 's-eye view of the metropolises several times when traveling in China , I was still deeply impressed by such a proud sight .


  16. And , although the rules and the structure are separated , they are in the same document , making it easy to get a bird 's-eye view of the overall validation requirements .


  17. And the scans that van der Kolk uses offer a bird 's-eye view of the brain - too sweeping to justify such detailed inferences .


  18. For the next hour we drift down Bhutan 's majestic Phobjikha Valley , savouring a bird 's-eye view of the Himalayan scenery unfolding around us .


  19. In fact , the attic in this market belongs to one of the exhibition areas of the India Pavilion , from which one can get a bird 's-eye view of the whole pavilion .


  20. And based on the theories of scientific aesthetics , the aesthetic qualities of map , mainly including beauty of bird 's-eye view , mathematical beauty and simple beauty of map , have been inquired .


  21. Who could have ever expected that a dragoon would drink sixpenny ale , smoke horrid bird 's-eye tobacco , and let his wife wear a shabby bonnet ?


  22. I arrive early , inadvertently provoking a whispered discussion among hotel staff worried about protocol : should I await my guest in the bird 's-eye lobby or greet her at ground level ?


  23. Once-empty mesas in western Colorado , where mule deer and sage grouse ranged freely , now look like a neural network from a bird 's-eye view , with well-pads connected by dirt roads scattered across the landscape .


  24. The dish : La zi ji combines crispy chicken breast cubes with a fireplace of peppercorn , toasted sesame and dried bird 's-eye chilis to create a plate of hot , red deliciousness .


  25. we failed to see anything on the way.Air travel gives you a bird 's-eye view of the world-or even less if the wing of the aircraft happens to get in your way.When you travel by car or train a blurred image of the countryside constantly smears the windows.Car drivers , in particular ,


  26. Traveling at the speed of light , it 'll still take several minutes for any commands sent from Earth to reach the helicopter , so the flying rover will have to be at least partially autonomous as it provides scientists and other autonomous vehicles with the first long-term bird 's-eye view of the planet .
