bikini line

美 [bɪˈkiːni laɪn]英 [bɪˈkiːni laɪn]
  • n.比基尼线(指比基尼泳裤边缘外露的一圈皮肤和体毛)
bikini linebikini line


the area of skin around the bottom half of a bikini and the hair that grows there, which some women remove

bikini line


  • 1
    N-SING 比基尼线(女性阴毛停止生长的地方)
    A woman's bikini line is the edges of the area where her pubic hair grows.

  1. Men then take 18 minutes on their shaving regime , compared to 14 minutes for women despite them having to trim legs , armpits and bikini line .


  2. Even if you have a slim waist , you have a stubborn roll of fat around your bikini line along with a bigger bottom and saddle-bags on your hips , creating a pear-shaped look .
