
美 [bɪˈtreɪərz]英 [bɪˈtreɪəz]
  • n.叛徒;背叛者;背信者;告密者
  • betrayer的复数
  1. They killed those who foretold the coming of the Righteous One , and now you have become his betrayers and murderers .


  2. When my pride was destroyed , they were among its betrayers , and while they may pretend to make me welcome , I know I am not .


  3. Then the study moves on to discuss the relationship between the translator and the original text , explaining how the translator can be betrayers , conquerors or even " cannibals " .


  4. The Protoss , the first race in the heaven , are attacked by the Terrans and the betrayers of the Asmodians , and the whole race is nearly ruined .


  5. He is going to punish those who commit the two sins of the nine disciplines ( sin of killing and sin of betrayal ) in the Terrans and the betrayers of the Asmodians .
