- 网络绿柱石

Tourmalines from Russian and American deposits , natural and synthetic rubies , blue beryls and apatites were measured .
Surface microtopography , representation and tracer of microscale vortex dislocation of hydrothermal synthetic sapphires and natural beryls are studied by using atomic force micro-scope and interference microscope .
Cat 's-eye aquamarine is a very special species among beryls and has a high value .
The beryls were studied in this paper by using the electron microprobe analyses and back scattered-electron imaging .
The growth sector boundaries in natural beryls have been investigated by means of X-ray topography and optical birefringence topography .
And by Laser-Raman Spectrum , we found some organic gas in beryls which proves the liquid immiscibility . In view of above-mentioned results , we suppose that the beryl deposits in two places possess the same genesis and probably went through hydrotherm phase .