- n.纯文学,美文学,美文(指有别于科技的文学或艺术研究或作品)

In the late 1930s , there was broad space for the publication of belles-lettres which flourished in every literature type .
Individuals may be liberated and free only when the exterior factors from politics and society be removed , just as belles-lettres may be independent only when non-literature factors be excluded .
Belles-lettres in the Face of Popular Culture
In the context of globalization consisting of capital expansion and medium revolution , the popular literature expands and the belles-lettres and popular literature .
But after 1990 , the change of social environment made sport literature have occured a series of remarkable changes . Belles-lettres gradually became the literature field 's fringe , and the basal scene of sports literature had been ultimately changed .