begin to sing

美 [bɪˈɡɪn tu sɪŋ]英 [bɪˈɡɪn tu sɪŋ]
  • 开始唱
begin to singbegin to sing
  1. Daylight quenches the candles and the birds begin to sing .


  2. Gloria , Melman and Alex begin to sing together .


  3. Or wiII you begin to sing ?


  4. You see , if the pie is opened , the birds begin to sing , and Varys would not like that .


  5. Yes , I know , it is still very cold , but soon the weather will turn warm , the birds will begin to sing and it will be time to shed those heavy down jackets .


  6. As regards the former , it hardly matters about the text set to it : as soon as his heroes and choruses begin to sing , everything becomes pretty slovenly in Euripides ; to what pass must things have come with his impertinent successors ?


  7. Flowers begin to open , trees begin to turn green , and birds begin to sing .
