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The energy distribution curve of THz laser beam has beem measured .
Static Dynamic Analysis of Composited Truss Beem Bridge with Steel Tube Concrete-filled Tube
Research into transverse bend test of external pre-stressed beem with CFRP tendons
I 've beem considered a pretty smart guy when it comes to finance .
Results ( 1 ) The oblique x-ray beem did not result in blurring image ;
Hoist of New and Many Functions-example of Design for 6 m Steel Hoist Beem
LD / PSD Laser Shaft Alignment Measurer with Single Beem
They 've beem playing soccer for nine hours .
After a series of experiment , the best technological conditions have beem fixed to deal with these two kinds of wastewater .
The properties of diffraction and deflection of laser beem caused by the acoustic phase grating in fluid are described .
The photochromic behavior of mercury dithizonate in different polymer films has beem studied in this work .
In the corner of the room , lay a woman who had beem shot through the heart .
Effect of Hoagland Solution on Growth of Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis Beem under Water Culture
The optical absorption properties of electron-beam-evaporated a-Si_ ( 1-x ) Cr_x , films have beem studied .
For consummating the ground mine weaPOn system that has beem modernized , the ITE was developed , which combines presetting with testing .
The analytical approaches and the identifications of the compound of phenols , which are produced from coal conversion have beem summed up .
Two methods used in the microanalysis of semiconductor interfaces , Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy ( BEEM ) and Scanning Internal Photoemission Microscopy ( SIPM ), are described .
Abstract Basing on homemade vacuum equipment , materials and technology a set of vacuum system with ultra high vacuum degree has beem designed and constructed for magneto optical trap of Cesium atoms .
The method , presented in Ref. [ 1 ] , as a relatively classical one , has beem used widely for predicting the detached shock wave ahead of a body at lower supersonic speeds .
The computer program has beem developed for the preposed method , and dynamic strength of a 70-metre-deep jacket loaded on a barge during transportation in random seas are calculated and discussed briefly .
The local barrier heights of the CoSi 2 / Si contacts are determined by using the ballistic electron emission microscopy ( BEEM ) and its spectroscopy ( BEES ) at low temperature .
With the analysis of bending strength of cross section of the rectangle cross-section and single-reinforced beem as a example , the strength time-dependent model of members could be derived under the formula of concrete structural design code .
By contrast , the processing trade in West China is at initial stage in both the scale and the standard . Although they have rich labor resources and natural resources , they have not beem made full use of in processing trade .
The Au / n-Si ( 100 ) interface system has been studied by the ballistic electron emission microscopy ( BEEM ) . The barrier heights at different positions of the interface and interface images have been directly obtained with nanometer-scale resolution .
The governing equations for laminated beem are derived in this paper on the basis of Timoshenko 's theory of beem by using the method of adding stiffness and Hamilton principle . The static and dynamic problems of evenly laminated beem are also discussed .
Although The Reliability Assessment Standard of Industrial Factory Building ( GB J 144-90 ) and Reliability Assessment Standard of Civil Building ( GB 50292-1999 ) has beem issued by the state , there are not any homologous standard to judge the reliability of power-transmission structures .