basket cases

美 [ˈbæskɪt ˈkeɪsɪz]英 [ˈbɑːskɪt ˈkeɪsɪz]
  • n.经济状况极差的国家(或机构);精神失常的人;无适应能力的人
  • basket case的复数
basket casesbasket cases

basket cases


  • 1
    N-COUNT (经济或金融)困境
    If someone describes a country or organization as a basket case, they mean that its economy or finances are in a seriously bad state.

    The country is an economic basket case with chronic unemployment and rampant crime.


  • 2
    N-COUNT 精神失常者
    If you describe someone as a basket case, you think that they are insane.

    You're going to think I'm a basket case when I tell you this.


  1. The doctor said there were a lot of basket cases among the war casualties .


  2. Asian countries have been stamped upon by the west for centuries , he says , and until relatively recently were berated as basket cases unable to feed themselves .


  3. Chinese banks have been transformed in the past decade from insolvent basket cases to the world 's most valuable and profitable lenders , in terms of market capitalisation and absolute profits .


  4. Experts say the key issue now is how many countries follow Mexico 's lead , and in particular whether countries in the middle of the spectrum , neither basket cases nor teachers ' pets , are prepared to risk the stigma of going to the IMF .
